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  • CHF 180.-0 / 12 taken

    2 days Mindfulness retreatä

    All-Inclusive - mindfulness retreat
    15th to 17th of September in Därligen
    Vegetarian food, mindfulness course.
    Shared double room, 4 pax rooms or 6 pax rooms.
    (first booked, first served)

  • CHF 280.-0 / 12 taken

    3 days Yoga retreat, 21-23.9ä

    All-inclusive yoga retreat with Tania Sturzenegger from Zurich.
    21 to 23 September in Därligen, Bern.
    Vegetarian food, 5 yoga classes + 1 outdoor activity + 1 Interpersonal mindfulness session.
    Shared double room, 4 pax rooms or 6 pax rooms.
    (first booked, first served)

  • CHF 490.-0 / 12 taken

    5 days Yoga retreat, 15-19.8ä

    All-inclusive yoga retreat for all levels in our home.
    from 15 to 19 August in Därligen
    CHF 490 instead of CHF 750.-
    Vegetarian food, 2 yoga sessions per day + 1 outdoor activity.
    Shared double room, 4 rooms pax or 6 rooms pax.
    (first booked, first served)

  • CHF 2’500.-0 / 5 taken

    Rent the whole house, 1 weekä

    The energy house for a week in 2019 or 2018.
    CHF 2500 instead of CHF 3500.- CHF 357.- per day !!!
    Organize your own retreat for up to 14 participants.
    Please check the available dates before booking.

    House Facilities

    1 wooden yoga studio/workshop (13 to 14 yoga mats approximately)
    Apartment 1: 2 bedrooms with a capacity of 6 people = 12 people + a small room for the teacher + kitchen + toilet with shower. Capacity 13 people.
    Apartment 2: 3 double bedrooms + living room, kitchen + toilet with shower. Capacity 6 people
    2 shared toilets with shower
    1 large kitchen
    A lot of access to nature.