100 trees for Lo Espejo

de Eduardo Thomas


We are going to plant 100 trees in «Lo espejo», a municipality in the south of Santiago, Chile's capital. This is one of the poorest and lack of green spaces in the city.

CHF 180

15% de CHF 1’200

15 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

3 contributeur*rices

Clôturé le 8.6.2024

This is what it's all about.

Hello, my name is Eduardo Thomas and I’m the founder of «Verdeseo». I’ve lived in Switzerland for around 8 years and I appreciate very much the beautiful nature of the country. But I would like also to help the place where I was born to have more access to green spaces. Santiago is a very polluted city, specially during the winter and the availability of trees and public parks is unequally distributed.

That’s why we as «Verdeseo» would like to plant 100 native trees in «Lo espejo», a Municipality in the south of Santiago, Chile.

  • Lucila Godoy street
    Lucila Godoy street
  • Close to «Lo espejo» train station
    Close to «Lo espejo» train station
  • Lucila Godoy street
    Lucila Godoy street
  • «Los 120» park
    «Los 120» park
  • One of the streets close to Lucila Godoy
    One of the streets close to Lucila Godoy
  • Close to «Sagrado Corazon» school
    Close to «Sagrado Corazon» school
  • Close to «Sagrado Corazon» school
    Close to «Sagrado Corazon» school

We are planting trees in one of the poorest and less access to green spaces Municipality in Santiago.

Because is necessary reduce the inequality in the access to green spaces in the city of Santiago!

This is what I need backing for.

The money will be used for the trees and all the necessary for planting them as well for the event of plantation (01 june). This includes:

  • Transport
  • Trees support (tutors)
  • Fertilizer and compost
  • Marketing material: T-shirts, banner.
  • Food during the event (healthy break and a common lunch for around 30-50 people)
  • Hydration points
  • Tools