¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hoppla, das Video wurde vom Projektinitianten entfernt.

Help us promote classical music and build capacities of local orchestras in communities across Bosnia.

EUR 986

9% von EUR 10’000

9 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

20 Unterstützer*innen

Abgeschlossen am 17.7.2016

We did not make it, still a huge thank you!Von Jasmina O. za Asocijaciju Gitarista, am 31.07.2016

Update lesen

ar friends

Unfortunately we did not make it this time. Even though many people have shared the info on Facebook, twenty people supported the project in financial terms. However, I have learned much more about how crowdfunding works and I will share the lessons with the 101 Strings Team and support them further as much as I can. I would like to thank you all for your generosity and support and if you feel like it, you can still pay your contributions into their own account, as follows:

Udruzenje Asocijacija Gitarista 102 Zice Banja Luka

Jovana Raškovića br. 51, Banja Luka

Bank: Sberbank A.D. Banja Luka

Intermediary Bank: Unicredit Bank Austria Ag, Austria, Vienna

Swift: BKAU AT WW, IBAN BA395673630000074104