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ar Supporters,
We are so happy to share that the transcriptions of the programme have arrived and are beautiful. We are excited to have these wonderful arrangements and to make this music!
Unfortunately, due to the continuous and rolling lockdowns in Germany and Austria, we are unable to get into the studio to record in time for a 22 May 2021 release.
Currently, we expect to make it into the studio by the end of the summer. By then, enough people will have been vaccinated and we expect to be able to easily get into the studio and practice social distancing while realizing the project.
We thank you for your support and patience. We wait, and once we have the green light to come together and make this music, we will share this exciting news with you! We are very anxious to come together to make this music and we are excited to see this project come to life!
Wishing everyone a safe and happy spring.
Most sincerely, Sarah Marie Kramer and the Dresden Chamber Soloists.
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How excited are we to be able to say this!
THANK YOU! Because of you and your support, our campaign and CD project is a success! We reached our minimum goal in record time. And our stretch goal made an additional 6%.
Every backer and contribution made a difference in us being able to realize this project. We are still trying to process all this support!
We now wait for the green light to be able to travel and begin rehearsing and recording. How exciting this will be!
There are a handful of extremely happy musicians in Vienna and Dresden, who despite the current lockdown are very much looking forward to working together on this beautiful programme.
Additionally, we will be able to secure some of the performance copyrights with funds from the campaign. Thank you for seeing the importance of this.
We cannot wait to be posting you the finished CD’s along with your various rewards packages! We look forward to sharing the details for its commercial release date. We will keep you posted about the project.
You were the difference for us. THANK YOU.
Support came in from Asia, Europe and North America. WOW!
With much gratitude,
Sarah Marie Kramer and the Dresden Chamber Soloists.
P.S. We would like to say a special thank you to all those behind the scenes in creating this project. Thank you. Had you not believed in this at the very beginning, we would not have gotten this up and launched and could not celebrate the success we have today.
Anna Rendl, KS Linda Watson, Andrej Grilc, Niall Kinsella
Nabiel Michael Elsissi, Carl Philippe Gionet, Die Kunstwerkerei, Adam Johnson
Samuel Machto, MAM (Moore Artists Management), Chanda Vanderhart, Olivier Grascoeur
Harout Oglian, Ira Kramer, Leonard Prinsloo, Johannes Probst,
Anne Wieben, Adrian Baianu
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ar Supporters!
We have YOU to thank for having helped us reach our goal of 15’000€! Actually, we celebrated this with a sum of 15’001€!
Having achieved this goal we can now officially say that this CD project is indeed happening. Wow! And for you to have helped us achieve this in only the first three weeks of the campaign is truly special! We are inspired and excited to get the production going. We only have to wait for some lockdowns to lift and borders to open. We are trying to be patient! The fact that we will realise this project in 2021 makes this year already feel like something special.
As you can see we also have a stretch goal. This enables us to raise the funds we need to help us move the CD campaign into a long term concert programme. With the additional goal we are hoping to secure the funds to purchase the long term performance copyrights of the chamber arrangements. Should we be able to hold these copyrights then these arrangements are ours alone to perform. Essentially, we would have the market cornered;) And this would help us to create more opportunities for ourselves during these uncertain times.
Additionally, the stretch goal enables us to sell more pre-ordered CDs while taking advantage of We Make It’s secure payment platform. The better to get this music out there and into and enjoyed as many homes as possible!
We are aware that not everyone has CD players, and if you have gone digital, we can arrange for you to have a streamed or downloaded version of the recording. Once the campaign officially ends we will receive all the backers details and will be able to contact you to not only thank you, but to see how best we can get this music to you!
And so we ask you to please share this with every and anyone you know! The larger we can make our community of support, the better it is for the arts in general! Send an email blast! Share on your social media! We’ll keep needing you and your support until we have reached our final target.
Our first two weeks of 2021 has been filled with excitement and humility for the support shown to us. We have received so many messages filled with hope and encouragement for our futures. THANK YOU.
As so many of us are in lockdown why not enjoy some beautiful performances of the music in our programme! (Next year you’ll be able to be listening to our versions;)
With many thanks and much gratitude, Sarah Marie Kramer & the Dresden Chamber Soloists
Strauss: Vier Letzte Lieder: Lisa Della Casa, soprano. Karl Bohm, conductor. Vienna 1953
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ar Supporters!
We have YOU to thank for having helped us reach our goal of 15’000€! Actually, we celebrated this with a sum of 15’001€! How much fun was it to see that plus 1€!
Having achieved this goal we can now officially say that this CD project is indeed happening. Wow! And for you to have helped us achieve this in only the first three weeks of the campaign is truly special! We are inspired and excited to get the production going. We only have to wait for some lockdowns to lift and borders to open. We are trying to be patient! The fact that we will realise this project in 2021 makes this year already feel like something special.
As you can see we also have a stretch goal. This enables us to raise the funds we need to help us move the CD campaign into a long term concert programme. With the additional goal we are hoping to secure the funds to purchase the long term performance copyrights of the chamber arrangements. Should we be able to hold these copyrights then these arrangements are ours alone to perform. Essentially, we would have the market cornered;) And this would help us to create more opportunities for ourselves during these uncertain times.
Additionally, the stretch goal enables us to sell more pre-ordered CDs while taking advantage of We Make It’s secure payment platform. The better to get this music out there and into and enjoyed as many homes as possible!
We are aware that not everyone has CD players, and if you have gone digital, we can arrange for you to have a streamed or downloaded version of the recording. Once the campaign officially ends we will receive all the backers details and will be able to contact you to not only thank you, but to see how best we can get this music to you!
And so we ask you to please share this with every and anyone you know! The larger we can make our community of support, the better it is for the arts in general! Send an email blast! Share on your social media! We’ll keep needing you and your support until we have reached our final target.
Our first two weeks of 2021 has been filled with excitement and humility for the support shown to us. We have received so many messages filled with hope and encouragement for our futures. THANK YOU.
As so many of us are in lockdown why not enjoy some beautiful performances of the music in our programme! (Next year you’ll be able to be listening to our versions;)
With many thanks and much gratitude, Sarah Marie Kramer & the Dresden Chamber Soloists
Strauss: Vier Letzte Lieder: Lisa Della Casa, soprano. Karl Bohm, conductor. Vienna 1953