BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»

von Bryan Davis Benner


Die einzige Chance das langerwartete Debüt-Album von Bryan Benner and The Pool Boys vorzubestellen! Die Songs eines amerikanischen Singer/Songwriters treffen auf zwei herausragende österreichische Musiker.

EUR 6’887

123% von EUR 5’555

123 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

125 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 8.4.2017

Final Step! Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 11.08.2017

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ar Backers,

As we speak, hundreds of copies of Fat Sunshine are being printed, packaged and delivered! First they come to me and then I send them to you. Along with your copy of the CD or download code, you'll also receive whichever reward you may have additionally ordered. Remember to get in touch with me if we haven't spoken about the details of your order yet.

Can’t wait for you to hear the album you helped us make!

Big love, Bryan and the PB’s

PS. For those of you in Vienna, we will be presenting the CD at our favorite little venue 7Stern Cafe on October 28th. See you there!

Fat Sunshine Has Been Recorded!Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 13.07.2017

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arest Backers,

After a long and agonizing wait, we finally made the drive up to Wave Garden Studios and spent three fantastic days working with the king of cool, Franz Schaden on the new album. He has already started mixing it and we hope to have it mastered by the end of the month. Then it’s off to the printers and hopefully all finished by mid-August (just in time for my parents birthdays!). Thanks for your patience and I promise we’ll make it worth the wait.

Big love, Bryan and the Pool Boys

Waiting Is Half Of The Fun!Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 11.05.2017

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arest Backers,

Just writing to say thank you all for your patience. We are so eager to record Fat Sunshine that the wait is killing us, but wait we must and wait we shall! In the mean time, I have sent each of you individual emails about the different rewards you’ve purchased. Please get in touch when you can as we are excited to hear what songs you’d like us to cover, where your private concerts will be, which windows I’ll be singing under, and perhaps most exciting, your t-shirt sizes.

We hope you are enjoying a wonderful spring and are looking forward to the Fat Sunshine the summer promises to bring.

Much love,

Bryan and the Boys

We Are Financed! Time to get organized :)Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 21.04.2017

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ar Backers,

WeMakeIt has officially confirmed the success of our campaign and the funds are being sent to us as we speak! We are already deep into preparations for our recording session which is currently planned to take place at the lovely Wave Garden studio on July 9th. In the meantime we will be developing the art work for the album and fulfilling as many of our crowd-funding promises as possible. Most of you have already been contacted by me directly about your rewards.

For those of you living in Vienna, we will be playing a somewhat last minute concert at the Schauspielhaus this Monday night, April 24th. Hope to see you there!

Big love and Fat Sunshine,

Bryan and The PB’s

What A Grand Finish!!!Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 08.04.2017

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ar Mighty Backers,

The Fat Sunshine shall rise! Our crowd-funding is complete and we finished with 123 percent. We are beside ourselves with delight! But with great success comes great responsibility as we now turn our thoughts towards making the album itself. Your support and confidence in us has inspired new heights of dedication and we are ready to tackle this project with renewed enthusiasm.

Soon we will be in touch with each of you individually to discuss the details of the reward you’ve purchased. T-Shirt sizes, cover songs, serenades and private concert details will all be settled in the coming weeks. We have much to do so please be patient with us and we promise to make sure everyone get’s their piece of Fat Sunshine.

We will also be sharing details of the recording process and CD production so you can stay updated throughout.

Thank you once again for believing in our music!

Big love,

Bryan Benner and The Pool Boys

In The Home Stretch!Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 01.04.2017

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arest Fat Sunshiners

We are getting so close! Just under one week left and we are only 1,000 euros away from our goal. So many unexpected backers have appeared to support Fat Sunshine and we’re more excited than ever to get it made.

We’ve already engaged a wonderful photographer/designer for the album, a fantastic CD pressing company here in Austria, a masterful mixing master, and in just over a week we’ll be in the studio recording.

But it’s all for nothing if we don’t make that magic number, so please keep spreading the word to friends, fans and family. Especially anyone who might be interested in a house concert or a full show :)

Big love from BB and the PB’s

Backers coming out of the woodwork! Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 24.03.2017

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arest Backers and Beloved ones,

As we enter into the second half of our campaign, I wanted to write you all to say how much your support is inspiring us to make a wonderful album for you! All of the details are slowly falling into place and we are itching to finally get into the studio next month.

There are 14 days left of the campaign and we still have another 40 percent of our goal to achieve, so please continue to spread the gospel of the Fat Sunshine to your friends and family. For those of you in Vienna, be sure to mark April 5th in your calendar as that will be our last performance (at Cafe 7Stern) before we sequester ourselves in the studio.

Big love from,

BB and the PB’s

A Very Successful First Week! Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 15.03.2017

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Thanks to you, our faithful backers, our first week of crowd-funding has been a huge success! We achieved just over 1/3 of our goal in the first 1/5 of our campaign. Those are great numbers! We even made it on to the «We Fancy» featured page of the website. All thanks to you!

However, our work is far from over. We have 24 days left to reach our goal, so if you are excited about the album, please be sure to share with your friends and families. Facebook posts, emails or just telling people about Fat Sunshine will make a huge contribution to our campaign.

Have a wonderful rest of the week and much love from BB and the PB’s!

A wonderful first day!Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 10.03.2017

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ar pool boys and girls,

Thanks to your enthusiasms and quick action we have already reached 1/4 of our funding goal in less than 24 hours! This kind of response is a wonderful confirmation that Fat Sunshine is ready to be made. We will keep working hard for the next 28 days to make sure we get all the funds necessary to make a great album for you.

On that note, I wanted to assure everyone who bought a reward greater than 19 euros that they will also be receiving a signed album in addition to which ever other item they chose. Everyone gets a piece of Fat Sunshine and there will be plenty to go around :)

Thank you once again and stay tuned for more updates. If you’re excited about the album coming out, please share our campaign with anyone else you think might be interested. Soon we will even start taking requests from you about which songs we should include on the album!

Big love,

Bryan Benner and The Pool Boys