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Fear not, Blue Butterfly will live on!
We’ve found a solution to deal with the projector issue (we found much cheaper used projectors). Phew! The budget is now very tight but viable.
And you dear friends who have offered to help us out through WeMakeIt:
If the WeMakeIt doesn’t make it, you’ll be refunded your pledge, but because you are nice, we’ll still make sure you get the best seats :)
We’ll save special seats for you at the show of your choice. Send us a comment on here (or at thecatalyst@thecatalyst.ch) with the show you’ll be coming to.
(It’s still important that you reserve your tickets on bluebutterflyplay.ch though because it’s possible that the Lausanne shows will sell out)
If you still want to help us out (things are always tight in an arts budget!) you can: IBAN CH94 0900 0000 8976 1579 3
Big gratitude from the Blue Butterfly Team!
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We’re working hard to bring the magic to you!
The rehearsals have started and they are amazing. Ailin is such a phenomenal director, she molds the scientist-actors like clay! It feels truly transformative.
Elements of the projection are coming together too! We are happily doing more collaboration with Loren Bes (the artist who did the watercolor/drawing half of the poster), bring more of his work into the projections themselves. Very exciting.
Here’s a little photo from full-moon snowshoeing with part of the Blue Butterfly design team!