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34current projects close to Bâle in community

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Hello Gondrand

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport


Hello Gondrand

by Verein Trendsport

Die Trendsporthalle zieht um, nach 8 Jahren an der Uferstrasse 80, in eine neue feste Bleibe. Im Herbst 2024 öffnen wir die Tore gleich im benachbarten Gondrandgebäude.

102 %
CHF 28’731
3 days to go
Betongold Matthäus poster

Publishing, Politics, and Community


Betongold Matthäus poster

by Stadt für Alle

A free poster for everyone to make it more tangible who owns the city and what this has to do with us. The third information project from the Betongold poster series for more transparency in ownership

28 %
CHF 2’280
13 days to go
the app for parents

Startup, Community, and Technology


MoDa - Community for parents
Support me in developing an app that creates connection, enables parents to exchange ideas and supports them in their parenting ❤

9 %
CHF 2’287
19 days to go
Cool Runners

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport


Cool Runners

by Stefan Graber

Cool Runners ist ein Bobkisten Rennen des Unihockey Clubs Mutschellen. Mit der Absicht, die Vereinskasse aufzubessern. Jeweils vier Teams treten in einem Wettkampf an, den es so noch nie gegeben hat.

17 %
CHF 600
13 days to go

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education



by SpielRevier

We offer low-threshold play opportunities and are committed to providing more play and free space for children. It strengthens their health, participation, personal responsibility and well-being.

43 %
CHF 2’161
20 days to go
Bistro 21Stärne!

Food, Community, and Kids / Youth


Bistro 21Stärne!

by Mensch21!

We need YOUR support! Our newly opened bistro «21Stärne» in Bern offers jobs for people with trisomy21.

20 %
CHF 8’221
29 days to go
Company Sabina

Startup and Community


Im starting a business to offer my best services to create a better world globally based and starting in Switzerland. My background is being a doctor. My vision is peace, love, happiness and freedom

0 %
18 days to go
"Büro" – Pop-up Apéro-Bar

Food, Startup, and Community


«Büro» – Pop-up Apéro-Bar

by Palma + Tina and

Im 3. Stock der «Zukunft» machen wir ein Büro auf – bzw. eine Apéro-Bar. Sei mit von der Party und hol dir im Crowdfunding einen Apéro, ein Tattoo oder den geheimen Büro-WC-Schlüssel.

27 %
CHF 6’953
20 days to go
Weg mit Tumor

Publishing, Film, and Community


Weg mit Tumor

by Stefan Keller

Der Dok-Film und das Buch zum «Weg mit Tumor» zeigen, wie es möglich ist, dank Schicksalsschlägen und Hindernissen zu einem erfüllten Leben zu finden.

10 %
CHF 1’000
27 days to go
Innovate the F&B industry

Startup, Community, and Technology


CompaZ helps F&B business keep their online hours up-to-date with a single swipe, so customers never face closed doors. Support us in making dining out more reliable and enjoyable for everyone!

5 %
CHF 369
22 days to go
The traveling glasses

Science, Community, and Technology


The traveling glasses

by Nora Hollenstein, Alba Haveriku, and Evis Trandafili

Support us in enabling researchers to conduct studies about reading behavior in many languages around the world.

2 %
EUR 290
10 days to go
Renovation Dachstock

Architecture and Community


Renovation Dachstock

by Thomas & Valérie Steinmann

Für unseren Dachstock, der renoviert werden muss, fehlt uns als junge Bauernfamilie, leider das Geld. Wir danken für deine Unterstützung!