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5current projects close to Syracuse in festival

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Syracuse. But this may be of interest to you.
Together for Hofkino!

Film and Festival


Together for Hofkino!

by dfrischknecht and RIC_O_FAN

Short-term sponsor losses are threatening our heartfelt project. Help us keep Hofkino alive and continue offering cinema culture combined with sustainable gastronomy at the Landesmuseum this summer.

66 %
CHF 33’053
29 days to go
Festival Courant D'Art

Performing arts, Festival, and Art


Festival Courant D'Art

by Dance & Music Creation

Courant d’Art est un festival organisé par l’association DMC à Neuchâtel. Il donne une plateforme à la culture alternative via une double programmation d’artiste suisses et internationaux.

121 %
CHF 4’850
7 hours to go
New stage for heartevents

Performing arts, Festival, and Kids / Youth


New stage for heartevents

by Earth Spirit Events

Help us finance new infrastructure so we can continue to organize sustainable events for our family-friendly and respectful community!
A balm for the soul in a wholesome atmosphere.

20 %
CHF 3’306
37 days to go
Serienfestival Basel

Film and Festival


Bereits zum vierten Mal wird das einzige Serienfestival der Schweiz vom 12.-14. Juni 2025 stattfinden. Als neuer Programmpunkt wird ein Wettbewerb für neue Serienkonzepte in Entwicklung veranstaltet.

10 %
CHF 1’525
13 days to go
Osons, Rencontres au féminin

Community, Festival, and Education


Osons, Rencontres au féminin

by d'Elle Art Compagnie

En soutenant notre projet vous encouragerez avec nous des femmes burkinabè à oser sortir de leur zone d'inconfort. A mettre sur pieds leur projet artistiques, professionnels ou passionnels.