Danse studio InsideOut: Emotion in Motion
The objective is to create a space for adults and teenagers where they can liberate and explore their bodies and their emotions through improvised movement.
Mixing Yoga Therapies, improvised Dance, mindfulness and martial Arts. The studio will offer classes, workshops, training, free training space, residencies, seminaries and improvised dance performances.
My goal is to create the right conditions for everyone to touch inner freedom by training to let go of tensions, to explore him/herself through introspection and Self-expression, by finding natural fluidity of body by welcoming his/her dance out of the box of codified dances.
Union between a Therapeutic and Art movement Center
This project unified different therapeutic and artistic angles of movement to offer vast possibilities to increase the range of motion of the body and the fluidity of emotions.
By unifying modern and ancestral medicine, combine with neuro-science and different art of Movement (Yoga, Dance, Martial art), this Dance Studio is a pioneer in Valais (Switzerland), for the research and teaching of the union of therapeutic and Artistic movement focused on Emotions.
The studio is equally focusing on the diminution of tensions and the authentic expression of oneself. These two axes open the simple and profound path of self-development and inner Freedom.
It is the nectar of 20 years of research, exploration and teaching worldwide.
Create a welcoming place to support Human to Dance
Your Financial support will be used for:
- Buy 45 m2 of high-quality dance carpet (harlequin), 20m2 of wood floor for the «changing room»
- create a therapeutic Yoga wall in order to give exceptional conditions for opening and relaxing the body.
- Buying gears to free the body from tension (ropes, block, myo-fascia balls)
- change the light to create a cozy and soothing atmosphere
- Create a space to put the brooms
Extra if more support
- Buy Video gear for filming performances and interviews of local Mouvement artists in order to create a Youtube channel base on movement