Debut EP + Record Launch

by Chimera Paul


With your support, we can not only bring our songs to vinyl, but also host a mega record release party in Basel in October to celebrate the EP!

CHF 3’680

122% of CHF 3’000

122 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

64 backers

Successfully concluded on 3/6/2024

This is what it's all about

We need your support to make our first studio album happen: our debut EP! This EP consists of 7 songs that we wrote and arranged in 2023, and recorded last winter. They are currently being mixed and mastered to ensure that every note sounds perfect.

This fall, this EP will finally be released and available on all digital platforms. Additionally, we are also pressing 200 vinyl records that will be available at our concerts or online.

The release will be celebrated in grand style with a huge record launch party in Basel, expected to take place on 26.10.2024.

To carry out this project as planned, we still need 3000 francs. With your help, we want to collect this amount via We Make It. We thank everyone who has already supported us, and those who will do so in the future. We look forward to celebrating a successful project together this fall!

About us

We are a four-piece band from Basel, consisting of Piera on vocals, Joel on guitar, Cédric on bass, and Vik on drums. Our journey began in the rehearsal room at Dreispitz Basel, House R105, where we also found our name, Chimera Paul.

Our first steps on stage were in the spring of 2023 with our debut at Badhuesli in Basel. In the summer, we enjoyed playing at festivals like Hill Chill in Riehen, JKF in Basel, and Träffpunkt Festival in Biberist, in front of diverse audiences. We also feel at home in smaller, more intimate settings. Places like Smuk in Basel or Brauerei Oerlikon provided a special atmosphere that allowed us to build a closer connection with our audience.

Our trademark is our melancholic yet energetic sound, deep lyrics, and Piera’s unique voice.

  • chimera Paul @ Träffpunkt Festival Biberist
    chimera Paul @ Träffpunkt Festival Biberist
  • Piera
  • Joel
  • Cédric
  • Vik

This is what we need backing for

The donated funds from the campaign will be used for various aspects of our project to ensure the success of our debut EP:

  1. Studio time and equipment for recordings: We need financial resources to rent the recording space and acquire necessary equipment such as microphones and recording instruments.

  2. Fee for the producer for recording and mixing: An experienced producer is crucial for the quality of our recordings. The money will be used to adequately compensate their skills and time.

  3. Mastering: Mastering is an important step to ensure that our music sounds optimal on digital platforms and vinyl.

  4. Pressing of vinyl records: We aim to press 200 vinyl records to offer our fans a physical copy of our EP.

  5. Design of the EP cover and vinyl sleeve: An attractive design is essential for the success of our release. We are collaborating with a graphic designer to create professional cover art and a sleeve for the vinyl.

  6. Implementation and promotion of the launch party: The launch party is a significant milestone that we want to celebrate properly. Funds will be used for event organization as well as advertising and promotion.

  7. Transportation costs: This includes transportation costs for equipment to the studio, as well as equipment, merchandise, and vinyl records for the launch party.

  8. Additional costs such as licenses, EAN codes, and online distribution: There are additional expenses related to the publication and distribution of our music, such as licensing fees for the use of music platforms and the creation of EAN codes for the vinyl records.

The total cost of the project amounts to CHF 9,950. We have already received CHF 3,500 in grant funds, CHF 800 has been allocated as a fee for the launch party, and with sales of records and fees from other concerts, the band has also contributed CHF 2,650.

The remaining CHF 3,000 will be raised through the campaign to cover the remaining costs and ensure the success of our project. Once this amount is reached, the project will be feasible. Any additional revenue will be invested in the production of merchandise such as bags and t-shirts. Thank you very much for your support!

  • chimera Paul @ JKF 2023
    chimera Paul @ JKF 2023
  • chimera Paul @ JKF 2023
    chimera Paul @ JKF 2023