The Erlkings – D.S.M.

von The Erlkings


Endlich: Das brandneue Album von The Erlkings ist da. Dich erwartet ein packendes Arrangement von Schuberts Liederzyklus «Die Schöne Müllerin» (D.S.M.) mit den unvertonten Gedichten von W. Müller.

EUR 9’333

116% von EUR 7’999

116 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

151 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 1.12.2017

Next Crowdfunding: It's Happening Now!Von The Erlkings, am 23.06.2019

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ar Backers,

If you loved our Schubert you’re going to really love our Schumann! Just a few weeks left to join our newest epic crowdfunding :)

Much love, Bryan, Thomas, Ivan and Simon

You've Made Our Holiday Dreams Come True!Von The Erlkings, am 15.12.2017

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D.S.M. Cover
D.S.M. Cover

arest Backers,

The campaign is complete! With your faithful support we now have all the resources we need to make the best recording of "Die schöne Müller" Schubert never intended :) And here's the best news: It's almost already done! The CDs are being printed and packaged as we speak and will arrive to us by the 2nd of January. We will then pack them all up with a signature and a kiss before sending them on their way to you. We also have a special little gift we'll be emailing you all soon: a download code of the new album so you'll have the digital tracks in time to be singing them throughout the holiday season! We hope you will enjoy listening and if you feel the urge to go swimming in a river afterwards, we recommend waiting at least an hour for the feeling to pass.

Much love and thanks, The Erlkings

Crowdfunding successful at 116%! Von The Erlkings, am 04.12.2017

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151 backers | 116| 9'333€
151 backers | 116| 9'333€

She lives! Die schöne Müllerin has been successfully crowdfunded and is only a few steps away from being brought into the world. Thank you to everyone who joined the campaign, shared it with their friends and supported us over the last 30 days. It’s such a pleasure to be able to creat big projects like this by bringing our community of Schubert lovers together to make it happen.

We’ll be in touch with each one of you sooner than you think!

Herzlichen Dank, Franz and The Erlkings

Off to a tremendous start! Von The Erlkings, am 11.11.2017

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arest Backers,

Thank you for helping us get off to such a great start with our crowdfunding! If things continue to go this well, we are certain to be able to release Die schöne Müllerin on time. We are so excited to share what we’ve made with you but there is still much work to be done! Please share our crowdfunding page (and perhaps this little video here too) with any Schubert or music lovers you can think of. Every bit helps and the most important part is just getting the word out there! Thanks again and have a wonderful late-autumn day :)

Much love from, Bryan, Gabriel, Ivan and Thomas