Enlight the Future

Enlight the Future

de Francesca Brusa


The third Paradise: Enlight the Future. A project by Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte. Recycling, Sustainability and Social Commitment are the key words of Pistoletto’s new project.

CHF 1’000

100% de CHF 1’000

100 %
Comment ça fonctionneä

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

15 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 4.1.2015

What is it?

We will show Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte’s new artistic path: a fieldwork on themes of sustainability, social engagement and recycling. The exhibition will take place from the 12 of December till the 18 of January in the suggestive location of Museum Bärengasse/Gasthaus zum Bären, Zürich. The goal is to spread the Third Paradise content and to sensitize the public on the mentioned themes with an exhibition and an happening to celebrate the Rebirth-Day on the 21 December. Join us and discover the surprise we reserved for you to Enlight the Future!

Why you should back this project

The Third Paradise belongs to everybody and everybody is now building the future. Our aim is to spread the Third Paradise message. This exhibition is not fully subsidize by authorities, that’s why we would like to be helped by you! The help should be both ideological and monetary. Join the Third Paradise commitment and become an ambassador of this project.

Setting the exhibition, traveling to Italy to meet the artist and collect the material, communication costs, involve people in the performance. We will have many costs to face. This is why we would really appreciate your help :)

What is the Third Paradise?

It is the fusion between the first and second paradise. The first is the paradise in which humans were fully integrated into nature. The second is the artificial paradise, developed by humans through a process that has now reached globalizing proportions. This paradise is made of artificial needs, artificial products, artificial comforts, artificial pleasures, and every other form of artifice. Humankind has formed a real artificial world that gives rise, in an exponential manner and in parallel with its beneficial effects, to irreversible processes of decline on a planetary scale. The danger of a tragic collision between the natural sphere and artificial has been announced in every way. The idea of the Third Paradise is to lead artifice—that is, science, technology, art, culture and political life—back to the Earth, while engaging in the reestablishment of common principles and ethical behavior, for on these the actual success of the project depends. The Third Paradise is the passage to a new level of planetary civilization, essential to ensure the human race’s survival. The Third Paradise is the new myth that leads everyone to take personal responsibility at this momentous juncture. The Third Paradise is symbolically represented by a reconfiguration of the mathematical infinity sign. In the «New Infinity Sign» three circles are drawn: the two opposite circles signify nature and artifice; the middle one is the conjunction of the two and represents the generative womb of the Third Paradise. Michelangelo Pistoletto