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We would like to tell you the beautiful and moving story of Fauna. For the shooting of this feature film, a mixture of thriller and fairy tale, we need your financial support.

CHF 75

0% of CHF 9’900

0 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

2 backers

Concluded on 11/9/2023

The movie

We are about to tell you the moving story of a young woman who lives on the fringes of society in a rather singular family. Fauna quickly learned that life was no fairy tale, or so she believes.

Forced with her friend Leah to sell drugs for the charismatic Spike and his companion Barbara in exchange for room and board and a semblance of family life, they carry out their task successfully.

Fauna, dreaming of thriving in a better life and finding a woman to love, invites her friend to run away and free themselves from the game of the increasingly violent and dreaded crazy old Spike. But her friend’s reluctance to change, attachment to their family and difficulties in finding a place for herself in society seriously hinder her dreams of freedom.

As life goes on and we get to know these quirky and endearing characters, the mysteries that brought them together and their motivations, magic happens and perhaps Fauna’s dreams will come true.

An intense and moving feature film in the dreamy world of young Fauna and her friends.

  • Spike & Fauna (C. Dustour & J. Stocker)
    Spike & Fauna (C. Dustour & J. Stocker)
  • Spike & Fauna (C. Dustour & J. Stocker)
    Spike & Fauna (C. Dustour & J. Stocker)
  • Fauna (Julia Stocker)
    Fauna (Julia Stocker)

Director's statement

This feature film explores topics of our modern society such as: family, love in its broadest sense, addictions, social marginalization and fear of change. It examines the concepts of freedom, choice and free will.

I want to reproduce a soft and realistic atmosphere imbued with naivety. Some character actions that might be perceived as negative will be somewhat idealized.

I would like to use natural light, respecting a restricted set of precise colors for each scene in order to try to speak with them and thus create a subtle mood. I would also like to use artificial lighting for certain atmospheres and to reinforce the state of mind of the characters during certain passages of the film.

I will try to take care of the visual, the framing, the staging and form beautiful compositions. Close-ups to create intimacy with the characters, group shots, and shoulder shots during action scenes.

The film takes place in our time in an unspecified place. Our mother tongue is French, so the film is played in French. We will provide English subtitles for its final version.

Christian Roch - Writer, Director
Christian Roch - Writer, Director

With your support we can shoot!

The last few years have been spent working on productions with very little budget, if any budget at all. Cinema is very expensive and despite the savings we make by doing things ourselves (DIY) we would like to have a larger budget to produce a larger work, as professionally as possible.

In order to rent better quality sound and image equipment, to employ a larger crew, to enroll more actors and also some extras, necessary for this story and this film, we need your help.

With your support, we will be able to finance the production, that is to say the filming of the movie, and it will already be just awesome! :)

For the post-production and promotion of the film, it’s another story…

Below is part of the cast of the film, and below is a link to a medium-length film I recently made.

The Cast : G. Tenaglia, J. Stocker, C. Dustour
The Cast : G. Tenaglia, J. Stocker, C. Dustour