Supporting this medium-length mountain film means participating in the creation of the film, with the possibility of deciding on the direction of the script, receiving DVDs, books and photos


0% of CHF 15’000

0 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

0 backers

Concluded on 18/4/2022

Two mountaineers push the limits

Between climbing and skiing, we will film the mountain from a different perspective. When Sven and Luca, two brothers, go to the summits, they take with them this joy of success, this ever greater challenge, and at the same time this option, which sometimes forces them to give up in order to come back under better circumstances. The film is interactive, the Internet user will be able to choose some options in the course of this film and the story of these brothers engaged in this quest for the mountain.

My project is special because ...

Between climbing and skiing, we will film the mountain from a different perspective. When Sven and Luca, two brothers, go to the summits, they take with them this joy of success, this ever greater challenge, and at the same time this option, which sometimes forces them to give up in order to come back under better circumstances. The film is interactive, the Internet user will be able to choose some options in the course of this film and the story of these brothers engaged in this quest for the mountain.

This is what I need backing for.

The story we are about to tell you will last about 30 minutes. The film requires a team of film technicians and actors. A director and director of photography, a drone pilot and two actors will soon be working in the mountains. At this time our small team is in the pre-production phase. (Refining the interactive scenario, technical cuts, location scouting.) This project certainly emerges from our passion for the mountains and the desire to make beautiful images, but we want to pay the participants, at least to pay them. Moreover, out of respect for them, we want this project to be of impeccable quality. It is therefore essential for us to rent or buy equipment adapted to our ambitions.