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2progetti vicini alla scadenza in arti sceniche

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The Medtner Project

Musica, arti sceniche e arte

Amsterdam, Berlino e Vienna

The Medtner Project

di Medtner Project e Elevental

Giving an International stage to the world of Nikolai Medtners vocal works based on the unique recordings made by Ekaterina Levental and Frank Peters.

100 %
EUR 6’005
4 giorni rimanenti
mer send hässig

Sociale, arti sceniche e arte


mer send hässig

di joelle alea

«Es chond usem Buch, es esch warm, rot ond sie breitet sech uus». Das Theaterprojekt «mer send hässig» untersucht die weibliche Wut, ihre Tabuisierung und Ausdrucksformen. Mer send hässig uf de Bühni!