Fitness & Strength for Women

by Bintu Akademie


Our goal is to open a sports center to support and promote girls/women in society.
We urgently need your support to finance part of the renovation.

Share crowdfunding project

CHF 1’495

18% of CHF 8’000

18 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

14 backers

12 days to go

This is what it's all about.

Welcome to us – where fitness boxing and martial arts for women is not just a sport, but a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

We want to lay the foundation in our academy for the physical and mental strength of women in society. Our goal is to encourage and empower women of all fitness levels to find and develop their inner strength. That’s why we place equal emphasis on strengthening physical fitness and promoting mental health in our training programs. We also plan workshops, meetings and retreats outside of training times.

We have finally found the right business, but it is still empty and we need your help to create an energetic atmosphere.

My project is special because ...

We are convinced that people are capable of more than they think of themselves and that many health and mental problems have their origin in the human psyche. But nowadays this is often silenced with a lot of medication rather than showing someone how powerful and strong the human mind and body is. We have the ability to do anything if we know how to manage our minds and our bodies. Our academy will be more than a center for sports - it will be a place of union with self and a place of energy generation. All participants need is a will. That’s why we are convinced of the transformative power of martial arts and martial arts, because it includes art and sport.

We believe in ourselves and our fellow human beings and want to make your day easier. We need each other.

Support us and start achieving our goals together with us!

This is what I need backing for.

The new location is bright and big! But it takes much more. We need your help to transform the fantastic space into a motivating sports area. The floor is currently made of stone and needs to be covered for safety so that we can get the most out of our training. This includes a stylish wardrobe, furniture, sound systems, a ventilation system, air conditioning, mirrors and training equipment. The investment budget is far above our cost plan.

With your support we can realize our plans and support and encourage many girls/women of all fitness levels in our society!

As a thank you, you can choose something from our lovingly put together goodies, for example your name on the Wall of Friends, an academy shirt or a unique work of art from our academy guide and artist Alma.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!

Alma and the team from Bintu Academy