What ?
Realizing 7 portraits of craftsmen and their know hows
Why ?
Looking for ways to preserve cultural diversity in our more and more global world.
When and Where ?
India, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica. Take off end of October 2014, for 7 months.
With who and to do what ?
7 craftsmen and 2 designer with whom we’ll work bamboo, brass embossing, black clay, teck wood, ceramics, basaltic stone and basketry.
Today, we’re already collaborating with some of them.
- Rebecca Reubens (designer – India)
- Beatriz Eraso Santacruz (ceramiste – Colombia)
- Nicolas Chtepenko (craftsman – Costa Rica)
- Omar Godinez (designer – Mexico)
Through different experimentations we will try to appropriate ourselves those techniques and materials, by observing how the local craftsman adapt their abilities to the evolution of what their country needs.
From this exchange, we will develop thoughts around the confrontation between craftmanshop and industry.

Who are we?
- 3 young designers
- 3 different way of thinking
- 3 complementary universe
- 3 curious
- 3 thirsts for discovering, sharing and exchanging
Why is your help important ?
Your support will be meaningful since it will help to preserve cultural diversity in our more and more global world, who tends to standardize it.
Diversity is a form of wealth, that’s why we need your help to develop this project.
How will we use your suppport ?
Our total budget is around 60 000 CHF.
With those 10 000 CHF, you will help us to buy some of the materials essentials to the fabrication of our objects, and to compensate the craftsmen for the time they spend with us.
And then ?
First and foremost, we will present the results of our work through exhibitions and conferences. This experience and thoughts aroung it will be condensed in a solid book.
We will keep in touch with our local contacts to follow the life of the objects we will have created inside their own context. How the basic idea could develop ? Does the object found a market ? Did it evolve ?
Part of the concepts we will bring back will be reworked to be adapted to european ressources, culture, and consumers. We hope to be able to remake that experience in other countries, probably in Europe, in the hope of feeding ourselvs with different cultures, with other craftsmen practicing other crafts.

Small reminder
10 € = 12 CHF = 83 INR = 18 MXN = 14 USD = 2720 COP = 750 CRC
Petit rappel
10 € = 12 CHF = 83 INR = 18 MXN = 14 USD = 2720 COP = 750 CRC