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back home again, things are almost back at normal, after a entire week with jetlag( gosh, I feel old, when needing so long to get over it!). Finding space for all of the hats, after them returning, cleaning up my work space, finishing some hats for customers and so on…
with around 800 people watching, I´d claim my show on that sunday evening to have been a success ;) Got a lot of positive feedback, some really good critics from fashion journalists, and… well… WUHU ;)
the whole week was a great experience, and though it was stressfull, it was also a lot of fun, and we got to get some new friends :)
all the runway Photos are here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/HattitudeChristinaLichy/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1188840807928767
And then the good news for yo; the first rewards are (finally) ready to take off, and will go to the mail tomorrow… the rest will follow asap :)
The rewards containing a Tote Bag is the ones, who will take the longest, but no worries, we are working on getting them done and off…
So once again, thank you all for helping me, and do leave a comment on the Pictures, if you feel like it :) I´d be glad
All the best from Vienna,
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So, we´ve been here for 5 days now, and so far it´s been pretty darn cool ;) Weather is like at home; not really good, but watching a lot of shows, participating in Workshops ( fashion related) and just strolling around town, we truly enjoy it here :)
At the Gala Opening, one of my pieces were shown, and on Sunday, my time is up; the grand show, showing all 28 hats of mine, and almost closing the fashion week: I am up as second last, so let´s hope for a blast :)
Pictures… they will come, already now there are a few to be found on my Facebook and on Instagram, so take a look :) And all the pictures from my show, will come asap :)
Take care, back home :)
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Thank you all very much for supporting me and my trip to Vancouver!
I am leaving on Saturday, way too early in the morning, and of course I will keep you up on, what is going on over there :)
For the same reason, I will start sending out your rewards beginning of April, wenn I get back. So I hope you can be patient just a little longer ;)
Again THANK YOU!!!
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The hats has been send off, a few things are still to be made, suitcases to be paccked… and a goal to reach.
I am, thanks to you people, very close, but for the last 30% I still need a little help! So please tell your friends and family about my project, about the cool rewards, and how important it is… Every single Euro counts, every single Euro is needed.
In just one week, we take off, my assistant and I, and we are both exited about, what will happen. But oh, so many decisions are to be made; which hats are we gonna bring for our own outfits? and which outfits at all ;) Come on, we need to look good…
And wenn do we check in, wenn are we leaving for the Airport, are we gonna sleep at all the night before ( I doubt it) and and and…
So once again: Thank you for all the help, I´ve been getting so far… and please help me just a little more, tell your folks about this, make them help me as well :)
Have a nice Weekend all around, I´ll be back soon :)
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So, it´s official, I´m on my way to Vancouver… Well, so far the hats are on the way, they just got picked up, and I managed, even with my damaged finger, to get it all done. Okay, almost all done, one piece is still here, will come with me in the suitcase, when I leave in 2 weeks.
But that the hats are on their way, does not mean that I can just sit back and relax, nope, I still got some stuff to do before we leave… But first I shall enjoy this weekend, after working pretty late (1.30 am) last night, I think I deserve it :)
Again, thank you so much to all of you, who have supported me already!!!
Wishing you all a good weekend!
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So, hats are getting picked up on Friday, which is cool. BUT: I still need to do quite a lot of handsewing, and what has happened? Oh, I just got an infection in my Finger, which means that I can´t hold on to the needle… Do you imagine me panic? Well, just a little :(
But to keep up my good mood, I can still do a little, so I´ll work on a turban today, in a really cool material, and if finger is not better tomorrow, I´ll go see the doctor( I don´t do that, unless it is the last possibility), and then hiopefully thursday I´ll be able to do A LOT of handsewing… It´s gonna be fine, just a bit more stressed than planned. Fotos? Not today, but later this week :)
Have a nice one :D
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A short update from the workshop, were hell is loose. All the Hats going to Vancouver are being picked up in 12 days, and ofcourse I am far from done. But mostly I am just happy, that we found a shipping company, who are willing to worry about the transport, cause that was not as easy as you´d might think.
and talking about shipping: as the transportation are taken 1/4 of my total budget, please support me! I really need it.
And then a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you, who are supporting me so far, I really appreciate it!