We need your help! Five lives, five real story of dancers, our paths from the beginning of the war. We want to to talk and share it with people because now it’s very relevant and very important!

CHF 280

1% di CHF 15’000

1 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

3 sostenitori

Concluso il 13.1.2023


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  • Dear Lisa Darvas!
    Thank you for your support!
    It’s really important

    irazaichenko il 1.12.2022 09:05

  • Dear Lisa Darvas)
    Thank u for support
    That’s really important 🫶🏻

    irazaichenko il 1.12.2022 09:04

  • Tanz Kunst empfinde ich als eine Ausdrucksform mit der man vieles machen kann, auch Heilung und Traumabewältigung.

    Lisa Darvas il 1.12.2022 08:29