Incitation au voyage!- Album

by Laurène Paternò


An album, a new program! Verdi, Delibes, Villa-Lobos... Pieces originally composed for voice and orchestra that will be transcribed for instrumental chamber ensembles and voice, all in a CD album !

CHF 5’690

107% of CHF 5’300

107 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

57 backers

Successfully concluded on 29/3/2019

Scents, colors and sounds of elsewhere

A plurilingual program based on major works of Latin lyric repertoire, for the recording of my first album.

Some album pieces will be accompanied by piano, as requested by the original score.

Other pieces, on the other hand, selected for this program, by the composers Heitor Villa-Lobos, Giuseppe Verdi, Leo Delibes, are originally written for orchestra and voice.

To preserve its essence, identity and not reducing the beauty nor musical universe, this project offers an unprecedented collaboration with a renowned pianist and composer, specializing in the transcription of operas for chamber ensembles, in order to adapt the orchestral parts for an instrumental ensemble of a maximum of ten musicians.

© hemu
© hemu

Why transcribe a voice/orchestra work ?

In recitals, as classical singers, we have to sing pieces which have been originally written for voice and orchestra with piano reductions.

This artistic approach would enable to considerably enrich the simple piano-voice pair, without calling on a group as large as a symphonic orchestra.

In addition, the repertoire for chamber music is increasingly attracting music programmers simply because this type of music is much more accessible and feasible.

Finally, this project has also an aspect all the more attractive as the transcribed works will have a unique nature, by their new and unpublished version! In fact, no arrangement of these pieces has yet been published.

 © D. Scapolan
© D. Scapolan

Why support this project ?

Your support becomes part of the realization of a strong artistic approach !

  • By backing this project, you are helping breathe new life into major pieces of the operatic repertoire.

  • You would also allow us, a classical artist and instrumentalists, to record an innovative program rich in color, nourished by a matured, coherent artistic theme.

  • Finally, you would make it possible for this program to meet its audience, through musical events such as concerts and a wide album distribution !