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Ohne Belohnung unterstützen

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 55.-2 vergeben

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    You will receive at home one copy of the book. Furthermore, you will be invited at the book release event.

  • CHF 100.-5 vergeben

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    You will receive at home one copy of the book. Your name will also appear in the contributor list printed on the acknowledgment page of the book.Furthermore, you will be invited at the book release event.

  • CHF 150.-0 vergeben

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    You will receive at home one copy of the book with a personalized dedication. Your name will appear in the contributor list printed on a special page of the book devoted to the acknowledgments. Furthermore, you will get an invitation to the release of the book.

  • CHF 450.-0 vergeben

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    You will receive at home two copies of the book with a dedication. You will have the possibility to choose from the book, two prints signed and numbered by the photographer (size about A4, limited series of 15 prints). Your name will appear in the contributor list printed on a special page of the book devoted to the acknowledgments. Furthermore, you will get an invitation to the release of the book.

  • CHF 850.-0 vergeben

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    You will get at home two copies of the book with a dedicace. You will have the possibility to choose from the book, two prints signed and numbered by the photographer (size about 50 x 70 cm, limited series of 7 prints). You will be invited to visit Edouard Curchod’s workshop, photostudio and archives at Vevey. Your name will appear in the contributor list printed on a special page of the book devoted to the acknowledgments. Furthermore, you will get an invitation to the release of the book.