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jusqu’à l’aurore

by Thomas Wally


A composer's dream comes true. In summer 2019, the Swiss Mondrian Ensemble will record chamber music written by Austrian composer Thomas Wally.

EUR 10’658

106% of EUR 10’000

106 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

70 backers

Successfully concluded on 29/6/2019

THANK YOU!By Thomas Wally, on 01/07/2019

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Thank you for supporting our project! We’ve finally reached our 100% goal; in few days the recording will start in Vienna. Thomas Wally will get in touch with you personally within the next weeks. Best, Mondrian Ensemble & Thomas Wally

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Liebe UnterstützerInnen! Dank Ihrer/Eurer Hilfe haben wir zur Halbzeit unserer Kampagne mehr als 3/4 des Finanzierungsziels erreicht. Vielen vielen Dank!!! 22 Tage verbleiben noch; sobald die Kampagne Ende Juni abgeschlossen ist, melden wir uns persönlich bei Ihnen/Euch! Ihr/Euer Mondrian Ensemble & Thomas Wally