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Körperarchiv (Body archive)

by nawaydance


6 Choreographs–1 Dancer–5 days: One dancer poses herself with a challenge which takes her to her limits and worlds confront one another! The result can be experienced on June 13th.

CHF 5’245

104% of CHF 5’000

104 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

60 backers

Successfully concluded on 30/3/2014


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  • Meine lieben Unterstützer :)

    Die Vorbereitungen für den 13. Juni laufen auf HOCHTOUREN :) :)
    Ich bin super exited und freue mich Euch spätestens dort zu sehen!!

    Infos & Ticket Reservation auf:

    Ich grüsse Euch alle herzlich!!!

    Natalie :)

    nawaydance on 9/5/2014 22:07