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La Fête du Slip - Edition 2014

by La Fête du Slip


La Fête du Slip is a multidisciplinary festival about gender and sexuality. The second edition will take place from the 7th to the 9th of March 2014, in Lausanne, Switzerland.

CHF 7’704

102% of CHF 7’500

102 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

114 backers

Successfully concluded on 15/2/2014

For your pleasure, [La Fête du ](http://www.lafeteduslip.ch/)[Slip](http://www.lafeteduslip.ch/) is coming back for a second edition!

  • Foreplay – Saturday 1st of March 2014
  • La Fête du Slip – 7th to 9th of March 2014

La Fête du Slip, what’s that?

Originally «La Fête du Slip» is a french expression to describe loose behavior, a lack of self-control, a situation that goes crazy. But as of 2013, it’s also a multidisciplinary festival positively celebrating all the diversity of bodies, genders, orientations and sexual practices. With films, music, exhibitions, performances, debates, and even cuisine, La Fête du Slip brings exclusive programming that explores sexual diversity in a positive and festive way, to Lausanne.

Didn’t you do a wemakeit campaign last year?!

We sure did. In 2013, La Fête du Slip was made a reality thanks to the support of the Fondation Emilie Gourd and thanks to YOUR support through wemakeit. This isn’t just a flattery, the festival would not have taken place without you!

Why redo a crowdfunding campaign this year, if the 1st edition was such a success?

That’s right, La Fête du Slip 2013 was a blast! All venues were overflowing with crowds, we paid our bills, and we even managed to make a small profit that allowed us to pay small symbolic fees to all the artists who had agreed to come for free. In short, a huge success.

But ?

But, unfortunately, this success wasn’t enough to convince the city of Lausanne, or any other cultural funding institution to support us. Almost none: The Fondation Emilie Gourd agreed to renew their support one more year! But even with their generosity, the 2000.- CHF they gave us won’t be enough to finance the entire festival, far from it!

After that, we have 3 options:

  • Raise prices
  • Find corporate sponsors
  • Redo a wemakeit campaign!

We believe that culture shouldn’t be a luxury, but a common good that should remain affordable to most people, so raising prices is out of the question.

We aslo believe that our audience’s attention and interest shouldn’t be sold to major corporations. We prefer that you keep all your focus on what you came to see: the program.

If we have to be accountable to someone, we’d much rather be accountable to you, the audience, in a collective and collaborative way.

By support us, you guarantee that all our passion and our excellence will go towards the quality of the programming, and not in profitability or political flattery.

Ok, so other than your eternal gratitude, what else do we get in return?

We’ve prepared all sorts of wonderful rewards for you this year. Everyone gets a tote-bag! And you can get tickets for the festival above 50.- CHF already.

And to get you all fired up:

THE 2014 PROGRAM: Here’s a preview of the things that your support will make happen:

FDS Foreplay

  • Barbieturix (DJ Set)
  • Louis(e) de Ville (Performance)

La Fête du Slip

  • MUSIC : Anklepants, Alix Vesper & The Magic Finger
  • CINEMA : God Loves Uganda, documentary by Roger Ross Williams
  • PERFORMANCE : Auto-Porn-Box, from Cie A-Contre-Poil-du-Sens
  • EVENTS : Critical Mass & Bike Smut Party Back in the Saddle : A Second European Explor-tation // Emilie Jouvet : Lesbian Porn & Safer Sex // Contes à Rebourg : Angela Carter’s Puss in Boots, translated and adapted to a family audience // Porny Brunch : Porny Days Zurich does La Fête du Slip // Feel The Food : A culinary experience for all senses…

And much more in the weeks to come! The full program will be available on our website www.lafeteduslip.xxx by mid-February 2014.

I love your project but I don’t have any money, what can I do?

The first thing you can do if you can’t afford to give us cash, is to promote this campaign to all your friends and family, through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, smoke signals, pigeons, etc.

If you want to participate in the festival as a volunteer, you can simply write to capucine.pillevuit@lafeteduslip.ch who will be coordinating the staff.

I’d love to contribute, but this wemakeit is just too complicated, can’t I just wire you some money?

Of course! Here is our bank info:

Banque Alternative Suisse

IBAN CH58 0839 0032 0945 1000 6