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Linz-Kampala Dance Fusion

de Body Architects Dance! et Josseline Black

Kampala et Linz

Hygin Delimat and Josseline Black, dance artists based in Linz – Our dream is to give life to a dynamic, challenging dance creation with Catherine Nakawesa and local urban dancers in Kampala, Uganda!

EUR 5’573

107% de EUR 5’200

107 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

32 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 9.10.2015

Artistic project in Uganda

We love dance and connecting with people around the world who share our passion!

Linz-Kampala dance fusion is an inter-continental contemporary dance project! The first 3-month-long part will take place in Kampala, Uganda! Together with Catherine and local Ugandan dancers we will engage in an unique dance exchange. A performance will evolve as a consequence of sharing and multicultural dialog. Knowledge from various sources (contemporary, breaking, hip-hop, traditional afro dance, Austrian, Ugandan, American…) will fuse, mix and generate… opening perspectives for contemporary choreography.

We also aim to work intermedially, collaborating with local visual artists!

Our process and the creation will be captured in a documentary and photographs!

Ugandan dance organizations – Guerilla Arts, Tabu Flo, Batalo East – are already behind us, inviting us to join their activities. They help us to organize venues and local audience. Ugandan Arts Trust: 32º East has for us an artistic residency space to work and connects us to the local visual arts scene.

Plenty of work awaits us there! Everything is scheduled and ready to take off. All we need is your support! We start immediately after this campaign: 15.10.15-15.01.16!

Inspiring collaboration

Hygin: In 2013 I had a pleasure to meet Catherine, an outstanding Ugandan dance artist. We had a very inspiring time together at the «DanceWEB» (an international scholarship program during Impulstanz Vienna). And we always dreamt of doing arts together!

This year together with Josseline, based in Linz, American partner artist, we pursue this cultural exchange and wish to make big things happen!

Focused physical practice

Being there our another objective is to train really hard and to learn the traditional, and urban Ugandan dances.

After Uganda

Back in Austria, we will share our performance with the local community! In Linz there will be showing at RedSapata Tabakfabrik, there will be an exhibition at Salzamt and this is just a beginning. If we collect sufficient resources, we aim to invite a group of Ugandan artists to participate in touring the piece in Europe.

Support dance!

Being a dance artist means pure, unconditional love. It is because we strongly believe in the project. We believe in its values of exchange, bonding cultures, knowledge and community. Finally we believe that you, our close and supportive friends will help to make it happen!

The contributed money will support the costs of travel to Africa, accommodation, insurance for the artists, living costs (very similar to the ones in Austria), studio fees and production costs for the creation. Ideally we would need EUR 8000 (to compensate the artists). If we manage to collect more than EUR 10’000, we will have enough resources to invite our Ugandan friends to Austria to perform and lead dance workshops!!

Get convinced by looking at our work!

Our artistic allies:

  • Tabu Flo Dance Company Kampala
  • Guerilla Arts Kampala
  • Ugandan Arts Trust: 32º East
  • RedSapata Tanzfabrik Linz

Photos by: Wyszomirski, Machniewicz, Naranjo, Hager.