Our organic seed initiative produces diverse, reproducible plant varieties. We give local farmers an alternative to seeds provided by multinationals which need to be bought again every season.

CHF 41’185

124% di CHF 33’000

124 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

226 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 6.9.2020


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  • i like the people

    joscic il 5.9.2020 15:32

  • Biosaatgut ist für unsere Erde lebenswichtig! Von Kleinbauern gezüchtet, angepasst an Region und Klima!

    Doris Länzlinger il 3.9.2020 22:18

  • Hello Everyone,
    We are nearly finishing our campaign and only 2 days and am really very thankful and humbled with all your support and help. We will continue our work and quest to help bring back an alternative and a change to this unsustainable farming system and would thrive even harder to come out successful. Thank you once again. Keep blessing us...

    Neelam Dutta il 3.9.2020 20:49

  • I have visited pabhoi greens and have meet him personally. He is doing a great job.

    Jayanta Dutta il 3.9.2020 06:19

  • Dear all,
    Thank you so much for all your overwhelming support and trust.
    I am really sorry for not being able to reply individually to your messages. I will soon do it once this campaign is over. If anyone wants to know anything about our work, our farm and also about our communities, please feel free to write to me.
    We are almost nearing the last few days of our campaign and trying to reach our final goal. Please reach out to more like minded and concern people you all know.

    Neelam Dutta il 1.9.2020 19:46

  • Incredible India

    Vivian Crettol il 30.8.2020 22:14

  • This is a push in the right direction, keep it up!

    cassia il 30.8.2020 14:14

  • Seeds are small, but they are the basis for a sustainable agriculture future. Thanks Neelam for pushing ahead this project. This is an amazing project in the best hands.

    noreni il 30.8.2020 11:59

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