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2popular projects close to Hyderabad in agriculture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Hyderabad. But this may be of interest to you.
Alphütte Murbibou

Startup, agriculture, and Tourism


Alphütte Murbibou

by Melanie, Julia, Jael, Jonas, Laura

Hilf uns die Bergbauern-Familie Bircher dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Alphütte nachhaltig umzunutzen und so das traditionelle Erbe der Adelbodner Alpen zu bewahren!

103 %
CHF 15’500
19 hours to go
Agir pour la biodiversité

Agriculture, architecture, and Environment


Agir pour la biodiversité

by Votre Cercle de Vie

Join us to tackle hand in hand this crucial phase of implementing the ’Votre Cercle de Vie’ project! Together, we make the future bloom!