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2popular projects close to Arbil in environment

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Arbil. But this may be of interest to you.
Heilpflanzenkurse im Kloster

Startup, Environment, and Education


Die Tradition der Kräuter & Heilpflanzen im Klostergarten St. Klara Stans darf weiterleben. Dafür müssen Räumlichkeiten für Heilpflanzenkurse & Seminare saniert & passend eingerichtet werden.

100 %
CHF 19’122
2 days to go
Future Vines - Cool Vines

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment


Climate change threatens our existence. Robust varieties are the solution! Future vines mean, among other things: CO₂ savings, more biodiversity, no pesticides, natural wines. Are you ready for this?