Progetto Italiano

Progetto Italiano

by Vladyslava Luchenko


The «Progetto Italiano» – is an amazing CD project, which represents Italian instrumental music from the end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century. The beauty, passion and desire in every note...

EUR 8’500

121% of EUR 7’000

121 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

55 backers

Successfully concluded on 19/4/2017

WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!By Vladyslava Luchenko, on 19/04/2017

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Unbelievable, together WE MADE IT!!! Our Crowdfunding campaign is successfully finished!!! 55 people from all over the world, who just believed in our project and so generously supported us, made our dream come true… Me and Christia feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many great friends! We say THANK to all of YOU!!! You are incredible!!! Very soon you’ll hear from us personally, via email, Facebook, phone etc. Your gifts will follow very soon as well! We looking so much forward to see you all soon personally, give you our CD’s, Thank you-cards, invite you to the concerts, lessons and of course play for you!

Sincerely yours,

Vlady & Christia

Yessssss!!!!!! We did it!!!By Vladyslava Luchenko, on 13/04/2017

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iends, you are absolutely amazing!!! Thanks to you, we just secured our «Progetto Italiano» and even received a little extra charge! So the money will go to our CD recording and not be blocked from the crowdfunding platform. Who is still like to be a part of this fantastic project, has 6 more days to support us!

A little explanation: Nothing till 10’000 will go to our own pocket! We put the minimal amount on crowd funding page, just to be sure we reach the goal. But the recording expenses are of course much higher. You can read more about it on the page.

So all your support is still more than welcome!

And we’ll be happy to give more gifts/CD’s and concerts to you afterwards!:)))

Unglaublich!!!! Wir haben's geschafft! By Vladyslava Luchenko, on 12/04/2017

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Liebe Freunde, wir sind sprachlos… Ihr seid unsere echte Schutzengel!

Heute habt ihr unseres Projekt gesichert. Das heisst, jetzt kann es nur noch aufwärts gehen, ohne Gefahr geblockt zu werden.

Solche Nachrichten.. fantastisch! Wir sind so unglaublich glücklich und dankbar euch allen!!!

11 days to goBy Vladyslava Luchenko, on 07/04/2017

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We’re closer and closer to our goal. And are by 4´505 now! That’s really amazing! Today our 3d recital is «sold», we are so happy!

The middle wayBy Vladyslava Luchenko, on 04/04/2017

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ars, thank you so much for your support! You all are just incredible! We are now exactly in the middle of our crowdfunding journey and reached the half of the amount we are looking for! Thank you! Now 15 more days… So exciting!

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Wir haben für Sie noch ein wunderschönes Stück von Ottorino Respighi von unserem Rezital in Belgien in BOZAR! Geniesst «Berceuse» aus «6 pieces» mit uns!

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The little Valse Caressante by O.Respighi!

Isn’t it beautiful?!:)

THANK YOU!!!By Vladyslava Luchenko, on 28/03/2017

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We thank you so much for your support, dear friends! Our first «Lessons reward» is sold! Wow..:) We’re so happy! That´s incredible to realize, you share with us our passion for the Progetto Italiano! Tonight we’ll have another little excerpts from our program for you.

Have a wonderful day and stay tuned;)