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Goodbye Pumpwerk! It’s time for us to build a new roof over our heads! We want to ensure that our members and participants are able to enjoy their hobbies like skateboarding, BMX or scooters…in future at the portside of Basel.

CHF 27’103

108% of CHF 25’000

108 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

181 backers

Successfully concluded on 11/1/2016

By december 2015 we have to leave our beloved Trendsport center «Pumpwerk». Thanks to the generous support by Christoph Merian Foundation, the Swisslos-Sportfonds BS and other donators we are able to move to the portside of Basel – at least for the next three years coming. In order to finance the move and the construction of a temporary hall we need your help!

What we do

Since the opening in 1998 our centre has been a very particular place for children and young adults to meet and enjoy a wide range of different half-pipes, ramps, bouldering walls and other obstacles. 30% of our participants are between 12 and 14 years old and last year we have reached an attendance record of 13’370 participants.

Our team consists of competent employees as well as volunteers; they ensure that the daily business runs smoothly. In addition to the regular facility we offer a «Mittagstisch» (lunch), a shop with rental equipment, different courses and «Tagesferien». The center is unique in the region and is deemed to be important for its positive impact in youth work. It is of upmost importance that our centre is run professionally and the children and young adults are within a safe environment.


Between 2003 and 2015 the centre was located at the IWB pump station where the old buildings were at disposal, rent-free. By 2018 Trendsport centre will be located at «Erlenmatte». Until then we will build our temporary hall at the portside on «Klybeckquai».

Financial situation

The association Trendsport is a non-profit organization; our participants pay a low entrance fee to use the facilities. This is only possible thanks to the financial support we have received over the past years. The project «Pumpwerk – auf zu neuen Ufern!» (Pumpwerk – off to new shores) includes the teardown, relocation, development of the new area and the building of a temporary hall. The total costs are estimated at be around CHF 500,000. Despite the financial support received by Christoph Merian Foundation and Swisslos-Sportfonds BS the association relies heavily on own fundraising such as the wemakeit-campaign and other donation activities.

Why is your support essential?

The wemakeit-campaign supports the moving aspect of the entire transition. This includes the tearing-down and rebuilding of the park, expenses required for the transport and relocation of the material and setting up the temporary hall. The estimated cost for the move is around CHF 150,000, of which CHF 125,000 is already secured. CHF 25’000 left to go! Thanks for your help!