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6new projects close to Lobitos District in community
Reset FiltersWe have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Lobitos District. But this may be of interest to you.

Startup, Community, and Education
La Sarraz
Espace Midgard
by Ludo_EntreLesMondes

Music, Community, and Kids / Youth
Se reconstruire en musique
by Association ESPAS (Espace de Soutien et de Prévention – Abus Sexuels)

Community and Kids / Youth
St-Imier and Interlaken
Schweiz entdecken, gemeinsam
by maesoave

Community and Education
FMZ Räumlichkeiten
by retobernhard

Startup and Community
Forest bathing for health
by Wandelwege Coaching

Photography, Community, and Art
Kunst für einen guten Zweck
by Luisi