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2nuovi progetti vicino a Switzerland in moda

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Switzerland. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
NEW! Kids&Family Collection

Moda, design e commercio equo


Les chaussettes pour enfants sont très prisées ! Nous prévoyons de lancer cet automne la première collection pour enfants de PAAR Socks ! Conçue par des enfants et disponible en assortiment familial.

18 %
CHF 3’641
30 giorni rimanenti
Upcycling Catwalk

Moda, design e ambiente


Upcycling Catwalk

di Stella Wittmann, anna pollack e CircularWien

Please support us in organizing an exciting event to reduce textile waste, promote sustainable upcycled fashion, and raise awareness about what happens to textile waste.