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3new projects close to Gambia in film

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Gambia. But this may be of interest to you.
Promoting young filmmakers

Film, Kids / Youth, and Art

Vevey and Geneva

Promoting young filmmakers

by marmotteproductions

Since 2021, Marmottes productions has been producing films by young Swiss filmmakers. Your support will help us to screen them in different ways. Swiss cinema screened locally.

13 %
CHF 1’045
24 days to go
"The New Boyfriend"


Sion, Vétroz, and Sierre

«The New Boyfriend»


Discover «Le Nouveau Copain», an explosive short film where a family dinner turns dramatic when a mysterious sculpture vanishes. Support us to bring this adventure to life!

7 %
CHF 315
25 days to go
Kinoprojekt im Val Müstair

Film, Community, and Kids / Youth

Val Müstair

In einem historischen Theaterdachstock in Santa Maria – Val Müstair soll ein vergessener, nostalgischer Ort als Kino wiederbelebt werden, um Kultur und die regionale Gemeinschaft zu bereichern.