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2recommended projects close to Hollum in music

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Hollum. But this may be of interest to you.
Chouette ma planète !

Music and Kids / Youth


Chouette ma planète !

by Myriam Bolliger

Enregistrement en studio d’un ensemble de chansons pour enfants, interprétées par un groupe d’enfants de six à douze ans.

61 %
CHF 4’793
25 days to go
'Contradictions' 2025 Album

Music and Art


After the releases of ’Trains & Churches’ (2018) and ’The Stranger’ (2020), I want to bring you an album with a different flavour. An album bringing you on journeys, observations and contradictions.