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4recommended projects close to Laufenburg in performing arts

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100 Jöhrli Chörli

Music, Community, and Performing Arts


100 Jöhrli Chörli

by Gemischter Chor Eptingen

Der Gemischte Chor Eptingen darf jubilieren.
Wir feiern unser 100-Jahr-Jubiläum in 3 Teilen. Einen Event mit Chören aus der Umgebung, eine Feier mit den Bewohnern von Eptingen und einem Konzert.

43 %
CHF 1’430
18 days to go
New stage for heartevents

Performing arts, Festival, and Kids / Youth


New stage for heartevents

by Earth Spirit Events

Help us finance new infrastructure so we can continue to organize sustainable events for our family-friendly and respectful community!
A balm for the soul in a wholesome atmosphere.

29 %
CHF 4’665
27 days to go
MOON: New EP and clip

Music, Performing arts, and Art


Our project: To record a new EP of 5 tracks in the studio, and create a pro clip on one of these 5 tracks.

70 %
CHF 3’505
12 days to go
acCanto a Noi

Music, Community, and Performing Arts


Un laboratorio corale in cui i partecipanti portano le canzoni della propria tradizione per raccontarsi e creare assieme uno spettacolo di sensibilizzazione sulla diversità.