Save the Lesbian Lobby!

by LOS

Bern, Zürich, and Geneva

The only national lobby for lesbians, bisexuals and queer women is in danger. Help the Swiss Lesbian Organisation overcome its financial struggles!

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CHF 38’102

76% of CHF 50’000

76 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

406 backers

43 days to go

Help the Lesbian Organisation Switzerland (LOS) overcome its financial struggles.

The Lesbian Organization Switzerland (LOS) fights politically for lesbians, bisexuals, and queer women. For 35 years, we have been convincing members of Parliament in the Federal Palace to support our cause. LOS is the only national voice for lesbians, bisexuals and queer women. Now, our crucial work is at risk: We are facing a deficit of more than 40,000 francs in 2024. Our next major funding from foundations won’t arrive until 2025, which is why the lesbian lobby urgently needs your help!

LOS Team (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)
LOS Team (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)

We need to be louder than ever!

In recent years, LOS has grown, and we now fund three positions. However, these positions are not secured for the long term—and we have much more to achieve. We aim to build on our past successes, like the anti-discrimination bill or the marriage equality law. We want to ban conversion attempts on a national level, work with other organizations to improve mental health within the LGBTIQA+ community, and continue being a strong voice for lesbians, bisexuals and queer women. In these times of backlash against the entire LGBTIQA+ community, our voices need to be louder and stronger than ever. We want to continue our work, fighting proudly and upholding our feminist values. Will you help us?

  • LOS celebrating the marriage equality bill in 2021 (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)
    LOS celebrating the marriage equality bill in 2021 (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)
  • LOS celebrating the anti-discrimination law in 2020 (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)
    LOS celebrating the anti-discrimination law in 2020 (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)
  • LOS in the federal palace in 2024 (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)
    LOS in the federal palace in 2024 (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)
  • LOS at International Women's Day in 1990 in Bienne (Photo: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv)
    LOS at International Women's Day in 1990 in Bienne (Photo: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv)
  • LOS at the feminist Strike 2019 in Lausanne
    LOS at the feminist Strike 2019 in Lausanne
  • LOS at the feminist Strike 2024 in Zurich (Photo: Florina Wohlwend)
    LOS at the feminist Strike 2024 in Zurich (Photo: Florina Wohlwend)
  • LOS at CSD Zurich in 1995 (Photo: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv)
    LOS at CSD Zurich in 1995 (Photo: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv)
  • LOS at Zurich Pride 2024 (Photo: Florina Wohlwend)
    LOS at Zurich Pride 2024 (Photo: Florina Wohlwend)
  • LOS at Geneva Pride in 2021 (Photo: Zoé Stoller)
    LOS at Geneva Pride in 2021 (Photo: Zoé Stoller)
  • LOS Team (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)
    LOS Team (Photo: Sabine Wunderlin)

Why this crowdfunding campaign?

Unlike in some EU countries, queer organizations in Switzerland are not supported by the federal or cantonal governments. LOS is still mainly funded by donations and membership fees. As an organization for lesbians, bisexuals, and queer women, we are underfunded and currently facing a financial crisis. That’s why the lesbian lobby needs you now! Choose a reward and help LOS continue its vital work.

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