Give every child access to a school that meets their needs and reduce the burden on schools, families, and teachers: this is the only way to transform the education system.

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CHF 152’112

72% of CHF 210’000

72 %
Stretch goal
  • Funding goal: CHF 21’000 achieved
  • Stretch goal: CHF 210’000
  • Regardless of whether the stretch goal is achieved, the funds will be paid to the project.

2’001 backers

23 days to go

The master plan: Simulate education credits at national level and enshrine them in law step by step!

We are a network of 38 schools from all over Switzerland: from Fribourg to Glarus to Kreuzlingen. Under the umbrella of the Schulwandel Foundation, we are jointly launching a national campaign to introduce education credits so that every child can attend a school that meets their needs, regardless of their family income.

An education credit is the average cost of a child’s schooling at a public school. This money should be allowed to flow with the child when they transfer to a private school.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Schulwandel Stiftung, a unique opportunity will soon arise for Switzerland: in May 2025, the canton of Glarus will vote on the introduction of education credits at the cantonal assembly. A YES vote would be a clear signal for Switzerland and could pave the way for all other cantons to follow suit. The School Change Foundation is fully committed to achieving precisely this goal throughout Switzerland!

To this end, we want to simulate education credits at a national level, even before politicians take action, and thus set an example. Because we are convinced that education is a right and not a privilege!

To achieve this goal, we are raising CHF 1 million in three stages:

Stage 1:

CHF 21,000*: If we reach this target, things really get going, because now the start-up costs are covered. We are all activating our entire network across Switzerland and driving the national political campaign forward. Now we are crowdfunding on a grand scale to make education credits possible for all participating schools «NOW».

*CHF 21,000 symbolizes the average school costs for 1 child, 1 year at a private school. For comparison: A child at a public school costs an average of CHF 22,800 per year during compulsory schooling. Source: Federal Statistical Office. (–>

Stage 2:

With CHF 210,000 we can already issue education credits to some families and launch a powerful political campaign for a YES to education credits in the first canton. This sends a strong national signal in the education revolution and shows that education credits are in demand nationwide and represent a sound solution for the future of Switzerland.

Stage 3:

CHF 1 million: this is where it gets really exciting: this is a clear political signal that will enable us to act sustainably and effectively. This support will make major donors aware of us and the Schulwandel Foundation can really grow so that numerous families can benefit from education credits in the future. In addition, the work of our foundation is secured for the next two years, and we will really drive forward school change in Switzerland!

An overarching goal of this crowdfunding is to find patrons and long-term supporters who will sustainably finance the Schulwandel Foundation and thus make even more education credits possible.

That is why we are organizing the great and exciting pioneer event for the school change «Now» as part of the crowdfunding. You can also take part in this event via the top reward «Pioneer» and fight for the education revolution together with us.

The more this crowdfunding stands out, the closer we are to our goal of school change. «NOW»!


Let’s go! Let’s raise a million for school change - now!

By choosing the reward, you decide which pot the money goes into.

How it works: There are 2 pots of money in total.

  1. the overall fund: All money that goes into this pot will be used to effectively market the initiative in the canton of Glarus and to introduce education credits in other cantons on top of it. Furthermore, this money can also be applied for by families via the participating schools for educational credits. In addition, the Board of Trustees can also allocate this money in accordance with the purpose of the foundation.

  2. the individual school fund: Each school is given its own account with the Schulwandel Foundation. The money is distributed to the various accounts according to the amount of rewards sold by the respective schools and can then be applied for educational credits by families at the participating schools.

You can read which pot your support goes into in the description of the respective reward.

The schools are listed alphabetically by canton and all offer the same stylish Schulwandel bag with surprise contents:

  • The stylish #Schulwandel bag
    The stylish #Schulwandel bag
  • Autosticker #Schulwandel gross
    Autosticker #Schulwandel gross
  • Sticker #Schulwandel klein
    Sticker #Schulwandel klein

...because the school is on fire!

Child psychologists are fully booked for years, the situation in classrooms is becoming increasingly tense and there is a shortage of teachers:

That’s why viable solutions are needed NOW.

We are convinced that sustainability can only be guaranteed if those directly affected, namely the parents, can choose a suitable school place for their children’s needs - regardless of their income.

Surveys have clearly shown this: Opinions are diametrically opposed as to what schools should be like in the future. This is precisely why our initiative is so important. Because school development can only really work if parents have the choice of which model is good for their children and not if we try to force everyone to be happy.

This choice relieves the pressure on elementary school and allows us to use real experience to show which models really resonate in society and are successful.

We are convinced that new skills are needed in a rapidly changing world.

Digitalization, globalization and climate change require innovative solutions. Collaborative learning communities will become the problem solvers by promoting agility, creativity and innovation.

That is why we promote educational diversity and create equality for all children!

Together for a sustainable school.

THANK YOU! for YOUR support <3

  • Nr.1, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate, An den Frieden denken, heisst an die Kinder denken. (150x100cm)
    Nr.1, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate, An den Frieden denken, heisst an die Kinder denken. (150x100cm)
  • Nr. 2, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate Landsgemeinde. (150x100cm)
    Nr. 2, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate Landsgemeinde. (150x100cm)
  • Nr. 3, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate ESAF 2025. (150x100cm)
    Nr. 3, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate ESAF 2025. (150x100cm)
  • Nr. 4, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate, Lieblingsbild der Kinder 2024. (100x150cm)
    Nr. 4, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate, Lieblingsbild der Kinder 2024. (100x150cm)
  • Nr. 5, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate ESAF 2025. (100x150cm)
    Nr. 5, Künstler: Pietro L'Abate ESAF 2025. (100x150cm)
  • Nr. 6, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (120x100cm)
    Nr. 6, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (120x100cm)
  • Nr. 7, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (120x120cm)
    Nr. 7, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (120x120cm)
  • Nr. 8, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (155x75cm)
    Nr. 8, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (155x75cm)
  • Nr.9, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (120x100cm)
    Nr.9, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (120x100cm)
  • Nr. 10, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (120x100cm)
    Nr. 10, Künstler: Alessandro Ricciardi. (120x100cm)