Update lesen

Hey everybody!
It’s official: We made it!
Well to be more precise YOU made it happen! I can’t tell you how thankful I am for the immense support this project has gotten. After the last update, we managed to reach the following Stretch Goals and even pass the 3000 CHF mark!! Whaaat? Again:
Now it’s my turn, here’s what you need to know:
The production of Slow Down is already happening and it’s sounding incredible. I can’t wait for you to listen to it!
The music video for Slow Down is official and it will be published on the day of the release. It’s very personal and my first so I’m putting all my love and effort into it!
That’s it for the moment. I’m so excited to share the song with all of you. Thank you for making this dream of mine come true!
If you want more infos go check out my Instagram! I post more content about the project there!
Take care and see you soon <3
Update lesen

Hey everyone!
Firstly : «Thank You!», « Gracias!» and «Danke!»
In only 5 days (whaaat?!) we have managed to reach the projects funding goal! This is mind blowing and I still can’t believe it!
To all the supporters that took their time to listen to the demo, sent feedback, donated and spread the crowdfunding: THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3<3 It really means a lot to me and I won’t forget your support!
I am so excited to record the final version of Slow Down at the Mu.sick Studios in Bern and share it with all of you in September!
As of now we have actually overachieved our goal so I’m thinking:
What about a new goal?
What if I tell you I’ve actually already talked to a music video director to do a music video?
Would you like to fund the music video of «Slow Down»?
Tell me what you think :)
Love you all <3