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We made it!! Our campaign just ended, reaching 135% of our goal! We thank you once more for your support!!
The next shooting days will take place beginning of April and we look forward to be able to share the next steps of this adventure with you!! More news very soon!!
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We are pleased to present you with the first official pictures of the film below! They are currently being shared by many international cinema/horror websites and we are glad to see that there is so much interest. Hoping you will enjoy these, talk to you soon for the next updates on this adventure!
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100%!! Thank you all for your support and for making it to our goal. That being said if we go over it we will use the extra money for more production value as well as for marketing and sending the film to festivals, so keep sharing the news about our project! In a few days we will share with you the first images from the film!! THANKS!!!
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Bonjour et merci pour votre soutien! La campagne de crowdfunding a bien démarré et cela grâce à vous, nos généreux contributeurs!!
Les 4 premiers jours de tournage se sont très bien passés, malgrés des conditions climatiques pour le moins éprouvantes… Mais si l’équipe en a bavé, le résultat se verra à l’écran!!
Nous continuons le tournage lundi et mardi prochain, puis pour finir, 5 jours en avril.
N’hésitez pas à partager cette news ainsi que notre page Facebook!
A bientôt pour la suite de ces aventures!!