Soufish - Mode für Fischer

de soulfish


Fair produced clothing for all anglers, fishermen and fish lovers. We want to spread the fishing lifestyle into the world with our fashion collection. Comfortable. Best quality. Great design

EUR 745

13% de EUR 5’600

13 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

9 contributeur*rices

Clôturé le 23.12.2016

Why Soulfish?

Born to fish! Fishing means relax, enjoy the nature and relive the thoughts. I now would like to present our lifestyle to the public and bring the first collection for fishermen into the market. I would like to make my hobby known and inspire people. And I would like to dress the not insignificant number of Swiss fishermen (about 100,000!), So that they can show their hobby also in everyday life.

Let’s make it

From the original idea, a team has emerged after a few highs and lows. I work with young aspiring designers and a very competent printing company. Above you can see the first designs of the collection, which are now being worked out and then printed. We care about nature, so the production is 100% organic, the production is adapted to the strict conditions of the nternational standard GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard).

As we love to fish and we do it with all our soul, the brand is called Soulfish. We would like to:

  • make people curious about fishing
  • have clothes with best quality
  • have an appealing style
  • Draft Cloting Label
    Draft Cloting Label
  • Draft Tshirt
    Draft Tshirt
  • Draft TShirt
    Draft TShirt
  • Logo Entwürfe
    Logo Entwürfe

That’s why I need your support

  • design a first collection and to produce it sustainably
  • rent a small booth at fishing exhibitions to present my collection
  • for marketing activities to promote my brand.
  • to create further collections with the topic favorite Fish (perch, trout, pike)