Sounding for the world peace

de Voice-Char-Mar

Zurich, Lucerne et Berne

We are sounding for peace beginning on the International Day of Peace at 21st of September 2023 in the churches of Switzerland. We are going to sound in the most major Swiss cities.

CHF 1’212

110% de CHF 1’100

110 %
Comment ça fonctionneä

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

18 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 21.9.2023

This is what it's all about.

The start date of the chapel tour is September 21, 2023, which is the International Day of Peace. The end of the chapel tour will take place on November 25 in Stans, on the weekly format «Sinnklang», where we will show a sound performance and read from the books of Karina Schelde. During these nine weeks we will stop by at different stations. We will sound for peace in different churches and chapels, together with the people present. It is planned that we start in Emmetten, then go to Flüeli Ranft, continue to Alpnach, then to Ruswil, to Bern, from there to Basel, then to Zurich to St. Paul’s Church, back to Sempach and finally to Stans to the parish church. (But the mentioned churches and chapels have not yet confirmed. It’s in process.)

Peace starts in ourselves. We can only achieve a truly peaceful world if we establish peace within ourselves. We find this peace within ourselves by becoming aware of old patterns and changing them. When we detach ourselves from being driven, detach ourselves from being blocked, and set out to find the meaning within ourselves of why we came into this world. What does our heart teach us? What do I want to bring into the world? If we follow our inner light, follow the inner voice, and as many of us as possible do this, it will lead us to a truly peaceful world. Soul Voice® is a method that optimally supports us in this quest. With tones, with our voice, we reach deep and find our essence, find answers to our burning questions. So, when we sound with people in these chapels, we set out to make the inner voices audible.

The process in the chapel will be that we will greet the people present and inform them what we intend to do here. We will give a brief overview of Soul Voice®, then do a small demonstration and some warm-ups. In a further step we will formulate intentions and affirmations. All are invited to participate. Depending on the number of participants, these may also be read aloud. And finally, we will sound for about 20 minutes. We will start with harmonic tones and then use dissonant tones to release everything that prevents peace in us and in the world. We will end again with harmonic tones. Silence. After that there will be a small evaluation, and people may give short feedback if they want.

We hope that we will succeed in drawing the attention of the press to our event, so that an article will appear in the newspaper. In order to motivate as many people as possible to participate, we will write to the church choirs to see if they would like to support us in our endeavor. The people in the church choirs are used to singing and making sounds. We will also make sure that our project is advertised in the parish bulletin of the parish where the chapel is located. We will write a convincing text for it.

Project leaders: Charlotte Intartaglia and Martin Ackermann Support group out of the Soul Voice® Tribe: Hsin Hui, Sophie, Gaby and Marion

  • Sounding for peace  (Martin and Charlotte)
    Sounding for peace (Martin and Charlotte)

My project is special because ...

We gather local people in the churches and chapels in order to sound for world peace. We bring people to the churches and bring to life again the church by our voice. We send a sign for a peaceful world in our home country and the human family.

Bring the churches to life again by our voice
Bring the churches to life again by our voice

This is what I need backing for.

Costs for advertising the event in the different churches and municipalities.