A common vision
In 2014, 4 enthusiastic hitchhikers founded the Swiss Autostop Club with a clear vision to make the world a better place in 3 simple ways:
- Rediscovering and revitalizing hitchhiking as a sustainable, convenient and cheap way to travel.
- Dispelling prejudice through real-world, spontaneous experiences.
- Promoting interpersonal communication between travellers and drivers.
3rd Annual Swiss Autostop Championship 2016: Erleben, Condividere, Voyager!
On May 7th, 50 teams of 2 people will hitchhike from Fribourg to a beautiful surprise destination in nature. Once everyone has arrived, we’ll put up tents, party and exchange stories from the road!
On the evening of May 6th, the participants of this year’s championship are welcome to meet in Fribourg to get to know each other, relax, and spend the night in the same place. On the morning of May 7th, the championship will begin! All participants will gather at the Grand Place in Fribourg to receive the details of the surprise destination before hitchhiking away all together!
In the spirit of hitchhiking and inclusiveness, we want to make this event free of cost for all participants. In order to make that happen, we will fund the following from this campaign:
- Sleeping arrangements in Fribourg for the night of May 6th
- Camping fees at the surprise destination for the night of May 7th
- All advertising/promotional material for the event (Flyers, Posters, Postcards)
Sign up on our website: www.autostoppp.ch! If you don’t have a team-mate, sign up anyway and we’ll match you with someone.
Paying it forward
In the spirit of giving and humanitarianism, we also support the NGO Viva con Agua, a network of people and organisations committed to establish access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation for all humans worldwide, and will be donating 10% of the money we crowdfund to them.
If we exceed our funding goal, the remainder will be deposited in our dedicated club bank account and used exclusively for future community events like this one.
Thanks for reading and helping make the world a better place!
Paying it forward
Im Geiste des Gebens und der Humanität wollen wir die NGO Viva con Agua unterstützen, ein offenes Netzwerk von Menschen und Organisationen, das sich für einen menschenwürdigen Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser und sanitärer Grundversorgung einsetzt. Wir werden 10% der Einnahmen von dieser Kampagne an Viva con Agua spenden.
Falls wir mit dieser Kampagne unser Ziel übertreffen sollten, wird der Überschuss in unserem Vereinskonto hinterlegt um es für zukünftige Veranstaltungen ähnlicher Art zu verwenden.
Wir bedanken uns bei dir fürs lesen und dass du uns hilfst die Welt ein bisschen besser zu machen!