The birth of a Demotape

di Birdlord


We are Birdlord – a band of 3 peculiar birds and tenderhearted mates. This year we recorded our first ever demo-tape SNAKE CHARMER, consisting of 3 tracks. Help us cover all the costs for the release!

CHF 3’928

103% di CHF 3’800

103 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

55 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 27.6.2024

Support for our first demotape (grunge/alternative/spheric rock)

Dear friends, friends of friends, beloved supporters

In the last six months we practiced a lot for the recording of our very first demo-tape SNAKE CHARMER, and we’re already working on new songs again!. The three demo-songs were recorded live in our old band room, by no-one else than el grande AREM aka Ramon Bischoff. In February, he brought along all his equipment and made sure, we had proper recordings. The vocals were recorded in Ramon’s Studio in Liebefeld, Bern. Additionally, he arranged a listening session, where we could go again to his studio to have the opportunity to work on the songs with him.

Our tape is currently in the mixing and mastering process. Ramon is investing all he’s got into it. Ramon, a musician himself, is a professional componist, sound engineer, and producer - We knew from the start that we wanted to record our first demo with him.

We called our demo SNAKE CHARMER, because we want to charm the audience with our mix of grunge, alternative and spheric rock. The symbolism of the snake charms is also suitable for the sometimes mystical content of the songs. These three songs show all the different facets of our band.

  • @Ramon's Studio for the Vocal Session
    @Ramon's Studio for the Vocal Session
  • @Ramon Liebefeld Studio
    @Ramon Liebefeld Studio
  • Recording in the bandroom (Orange <3)
    Recording in the bandroom (Orange <3)
  • Recording in the bandroom (Gaia posing)
    Recording in the bandroom (Gaia posing)
  • Recording in the old room
    Recording in the old room
  • working station of Ramon
    working station of Ramon
  • our band with Ramon
    our band with Ramon
  • Installing the mics for the drum
    Installing the mics for the drum

Why do we need your financial support?

The road to releasing your own music is a pricy one, especially for independent artists. And that’s what we are! These are the costs we have to cover, from recording to releasing SNAKE CHARMER:

  • Recording
  • Mixing & mastering
  • Release & promotion

  • Art Work (Cover Art)

Even if we have very talented, artsy friends, we still want to pay them appropriately!

The costs resumed: /2400 CHF Recording, mixing & mastering (AREM)/ /600 CHF Art Work / /200 CHF Promotion and Digital Release / /250 CHF Merchandising and rewards / /250 CHF Video shoot crowdfunding and expenses for photographer / /100 CHF Unexpected expenses /

Totally = 3800 Swiss Francs

The three of us realized that we wanted to get more serious about music and play lots of gigs, maybe even a little tour?! (Bookers! Book us! :D)! But we have to start somewhere, and this demo tape is the key for us to get a foothold in the world of music. Your donation will pave the road for our music to get out there, and for us as musicians to develop even further! Help us to set this stepping stone to achieve our goal and dream!

We know that we are very privileged to be where we are, and to have what we have, and we aim to give back as much as we can in sweet tunes and rockin’ beats! <3

Who are we?

We found each other in October 2023. Three mates, passionate songwriters, fierce jammers, and dedicated musicians

Lily (guitarist and singer/ studied sports and spanish literature and linguistics) part-time teacher, lifeguard at swimming pool Bern and aspiring guitarist! If she’s not playing guitar, she will be found breakdancing.

Gaia (drummer/ currently studying biology -) works in a (secret) laboratory and as a tutor. She loses a lot of sweat and tears working towards her education and is constantly broke.. In her free time she likes to jam, throw some hoops or wonder about plants and bugs.!

Claudio (bassist/ social worker) he quit his current job because he wants more time for music and is looking for work with a smaller workload. He is not only the bassist in our band, but he also contributes to several other projects and sings and plays the guitar in his own singer-songwriter project.

  • Yep, best pic of us!
    Yep, best pic of us!
  • bassist and guitarist ghettofist
    bassist and guitarist ghettofist
  • drummer doing drumthings
    drummer doing drumthings
  • three musicians
    three musicians
  • or three birds?
    or three birds?
  • the birth of our demotape!
    the birth of our demotape!