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The Secret of Eight - The Call

di Eveline Birrer Films


Striking, mysterious, supernatural and fast-paced: driven by dreams, vision and a desire to challenge boundaries, comes a film filled with breathtaking moments.

CHF 95

1% di CHF 5’000

1 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

2 sostenitori

Concluso il 17.6.2013

What it’s all about

Freedom and secrets: two life-defining aspects of any individual. For one, we would fight to the point of exhaustion; the other, we try to conceal from the rest of the world. Both these components of the human condition come together in the film production «The Secret of Eight», where two teams who couldn’t be more different come face to face.
«The Secret of Eight» is about more than a simple street battle between two rival gangs on the rooftops of a dark and unknowing city. It is about friendship, respect, affection and trust. The challenge of portraying these deep emotions and characteristics within the production was made easier by the emphasis placed on the same values during the creative process.
Eveline Birrer Films takes its inspiration from the lifestyles of the traceurs and free-runners that play the starring roles, blurring the traditional film school concept and placing the entire team in the limelight. Driven by dreams and visions, interpreted by individual talent and ability, and realised through the desire to challenge boundaries, comes a film filled with breathtaking moments that will leave a lasting impression.

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What can you get out of it

Filmmaking is a brilliant and exciting world in which so much is possible. You too can profit from these possibilities, as well as receive exclusive autograph cards, preserve your name for posterity in the closing credits, visit the set, get a walk-on part, be part of the team on set, try your hand at the camera or receive an exclusive mini-photoshoot together with three professional portraits of you!

Why we need your support

Unfortunately, our professional film equipment is not free of charge. We also require shooting permits, costumes, electricity and much more besides! With your donation, you bring our goal – of making a film full of positive moments and enduring memories – much closer!

The team from «The Secret of Eight» thanks you in advance!