Loud and Proud Non-Binary
I need your help to be able to afford top surgery. Being a 22 year old non-binary artist working at the Coop Main Offices, I’m in a position to push for change within the company. As of now, the system has been reprogrammed to include a third gender in the internal phone book, and i am intiating steps towards gender-neutral bathrooms. I am positive that my living loud and proud as a non-binary individual in the main office of Switzerland’s biggest retailer has positive effects for the trans movement beyond myself and my office.

Custom Paintings and Plushies for you
On Etsy and at Conventions, you may find stickers or keychains i create - however, most of the rewards listed here are not available anywhere else. I very rarely do custom plushies or paintings outside of a family and friends setting. (the 1000 Fr Reward is kind of half-joking but you will seriously and for real get b88b13 pics with that. Extremely limited edition, you will have 1 of the only 4 in existence.)
What exactly are the costs of top surgery?
Top surgery itself is covered by insurance - however i still have to pay 700 Fr (Selbstbehalt) and 300 Fr (Franchise). On top of that, women have fat reserves around their chests that need to be removed as well in order to achieve a regular-looking chest. This requires a liposuction, which the insurance does not cover (it is considered «purely aestethic»). This will cost roughly 3’000 Fr.
If I reach any stretch goals, the remaining money will go towards buying hormones for my transition and/or will be donated to TGNS.