Trio Klavis & Peter Turrini

by Trio Klavis


On the album «In the name of love» music and poetry tell stories of love, fears and hopes of an adolescent. Trio Klavis plays music by their saxophonist Miha Ferk, Peter Turrini reads Peter Turrini.

EUR 8’200

102% of EUR 8’000

102 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

54 backers

Successfully concluded on 30/6/2023


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  • L art doit etre partagé

    Krocd on 26/6/2023 22:42

  • Draga Tatjana Celjska, hvala za te tvoje precudovite besede! Brez vas, dragi poslusalci in ljubitelji umetnosti, tudi nas umetnikov ne bi bilo! Vsi smo skupaj :)

    Miha on 24/6/2023 10:46

  • Glasba , ki nam jo podarjata Trio Klavis in g. Turrinija v besedah, so stene in streha naše dragocene dušne hiše... Hvala umetniki , da je moja hiša vaša čudovita umetnost:-)

    Tatjana Celjska on 7/6/2023 08:32