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Undiscovered Soul goes USA

di The Souls

Berna, Thun e Zurigo

Our EP-Trilogy has been released, we’ve played numerous shows and experienced even more unforgettable moments.Now we are going to new horizons: we fly to Los Angeles!

CHF 41’835

104% di CHF 40’000

104 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

172 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 4.4.2015

The Project

Our EP-Trilogy has been released, we’ve played numerous shows and experienced even more unforgettable moments. Now we are going to new horizons: Undiscovered Soul flies to Los Angeles to present themselves at the legendary Musexpo. Afterwards we will record a new album.


Every year the Musexpo takes place in Los Angeles and is known as one of the biggest music exhibitions in the world. International personalities from the music industry meet to discover new bands and, with their new ideas, create musical landscapes. They have contributed to the success for stars like Katy Perry, Adele, The Temper Trap, Sheppard and many more. We hope to find people who believe in our music as much as we do.

Once we arrive in Los Angeles, we’ll let the pulsating music scene inspire us and we’ll put it on the record. For us it’s clear: Our next album will be recorded in Los Angeles.


Following our EP Trilogy it is time for an album. We have a more specific musical imagination thanks to the experience in song writing, recording and producing and we know where we want to go. To realize our vision, we will collaborate with the highly experienced producer Greg Collins. He has worked together with acts like U2, The Red Hot Chili Peppers und No Doubt. Greg is stationed in Los Angeles and works in his own studio. For one month we will record, refine, get inspired and in the end return to Switzerland with a beautiful album. Promised!

To accomplish ideas like this, money is needed – a lot of money. With your help we’d like to finance 40’000 Swiss francs of our budget of CHF 90’000. The biggest expenses are the flights, the wage for the producer, the studio rent, mix- and mastering work, accommodation, transportation, CD cut, artwork, homepage and other fixed costs of the band. The remaining CHF 50’000 we try to cover with sponsors, promotion of culture, concerts, multimedia events and CD/EP sales.

Thanks a lot for your support!

  • Undiscovered Soul Recording ’Green’
    Undiscovered Soul Recording ’Green’

Mit eurer Unterstützung

Um Ideen dieser Art umsetzen zu können, braucht es natürlich Geld – viel Geld. Wir möchten gerne CHF 40’000 unseres Budgets von CHF 90’000 mit eurer Hilfe finanzieren. Die grössten Ausgaben machen Flug, Lohn des Produzenten, Studiomiete, Mix- & Mastering-Arbeit, Unterkunft, Fortbewegungsmittel, Pressen der CD, Artwork, Homepage und sonstige Fixkosten der Band aus. Die restlichen CHF 50’000 versuchen wir mit Sponsoring, Kulturförderung, Konzerten, multimedia Events und CD/EP-Verkäufen zu decken.

Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung!
