Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • EUR 9.-4 prese


    AMATEUR (Users only): Vote + Sweat! Tell us which three bars you want to join the Kibitz Community + as thank for your support, you receive a Kibitz branded sweat band to control them sweats during those critical final minutes of a match.

  • EUR 14.-2 prese


    AMATEUR (Users only): Vote + Wash! Tell us which three bars you want to join the Kibitz Community + as thank for your support, you can wash away the sweat (and beer) from watching your team beat their opponents using a handmade Kibitz soap.

  • EUR 29.-1 presa


    SEMI-PRO (Users only): Vote and Watch! Tell us which three bars you want to join the Kibitz Community + help us cheer on Austria during the Euro at a Kibitz registered bars. As thank for your support, two drinks will go on us.

  • EUR 47.-0 prese


    JUNIOR LEAGUE (Bars only): Receive an honorary mention on our Facebook page + enjoy a 5% discount for an additional month as a member of Kibitz

  • EUR 47.-10 / 80 prese


    PRO (Users only): Vote and Hunt! Tell us which three bars you want to join the Kibitz Community + help us celebrate our launch with an action packed Bar Hunt! Compete against other teams by racing to five Kibitz registered bars. Meet the Kibitz Team during an after party with an open bar for the winners and an extended happy hour for all other participants. Rules and conditions apply*

  • EUR 90.-0 prese


    MINOR LEAGUE (Bars only): ’Bar of the Week’ on our website for one week + receive an honorary mention on our Facebook page + enjoy a 10% discount for an additional 2 months as a member of Kibitz.

  • EUR 425.-2 / 10 prese


    MAJOR LEAGUE (Bars only): Co-host of our Bar Hunt Launch Event + ’Bar of the Week’ on our website, on a week of your choice (first come, first serve) + receive an honorary mention on our Facebook page + enjoy a 15% discount for an additional 10 months as a member of Kibitz.