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ar friends, art lovers and makers
On the 25th of June we are hosting the first We Show Off event – a flashy eight-hour creative get-together. Discover an exhibit of We Show Off art. Flip through prints, zines, cards and notebooks at our mini art market and admire a live-painting-session.
Come look around, hang out, buy art and sway to summerly beats while sipping on a refreshing beverage.
Don’t be shy, it’s show off time!
And for all those who donation towards the Launch party! Come by, pick up your goodie bag and have a drink with us!
Andrea Forgacs
Capucine Matti
Fergus Carmichael
Helena Pérez GarcÍa
Hélène Baum
Ingo Giezendanner aka GrrrR
Jack Reynolds aka Ren
Kiki Ljung
Vanja Vikalo aka Linnch
Monika Lang
Nicolas Sperisen
and more…
Smith and Smith (
introdrink (
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Es ist wirklich unglaublich! Wir Danken jeden einzelnen Beitrag so sehr!!!!!! Wir haben noch 50 minuten! Jeder Franken zählt also mach mit uns mit bis zum Ende!
WE MADE ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its unbelievable!!! Thank you to every single one of you!!!!!! We still habe 50 minutes to go. Every Frank counts for us! So stay with us till the end!
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Wir können es noch garnicht fassen! Wir sind nur noch 6 Stunden und 600 CHF von unserem Ziel entfernt! Wir sind so dankbar und Begeister um all eure Unterstützung und können die Erreichbarkeit unseres Ziels noch garnicht fassen! Noch ein klein bisschen mehr und wir haben es geschafft.
We still cant believe it! Ist another 6 hours and 600 CHF to reach our goal! We are so thrilled and thankful about all the support we got and cant believe that we are so close to reaching our goal!! Just a little bit more and we made it!
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For this very special occasion we prepared a visual ’thank you’, that will be shown off by ’we make it’ itself and shared on their Facebook page this week. For you we have an exclusive first look! Keep your eyes open and your minds sharp! There is a small goodie in there. In order to motivate your further interest and support, we came up with a brand new, amazing prize for you. An A1 Print in a glass-free frame!
We Show Off gibt die Halbzeit bekannt bei unserer We Make It Crowdfunding Kampagne! Wir sind total begeistert von all der Unterstützung, sind aber noch ein ganzes Stückchen vom Ziel entfernt.
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We are a part of this year’s Heiliger Bimbam! Christmas Market at Maag Hall. From the 17th till the 20th of December you can actually spend a long weekend with We Show Off. Hang out at our stand, meet us in person, feel the paper we are printing on, enjoy the quality of our prints. We suggest you seize this perfect opportunity to spread love for art and collect some very special Christmas presents.
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The first week of the crowdfunding campaign of We Show Off ends in a full celebration!
We are absolutely thrilled about so many powerful reactions. Thanks to many generous supporters almost one quarter of our goal is reached. We have 121 followers on Instagram and amazing 226 likes on Facebook.
As a weekend treat we prepared a little preview and We Show Off our first artist:
A big talent from a small coastal town in Montenegro – Vanja Vikalo a.k.a LINNCH is a master of melting worlds, visual satire and beautifully raw and sharp humor. For more information visit our website, find LINNCH and enjoy your weekend
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Some FanArt for our platform! Thank you Nico Lutziger for the support and this totally amazing portrait of us!
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Discover some details from the artwork of artists working with us. On Friday you will get to know the very first one! How exiting!!!
Keep your eyes open! We are grateful for your support.