This is what it's all about.
This is about art, photography and representation! Can you tell me a great artist from the XX century? Ok, think about it, really anyone that comes to your mind… Got it? Well… Is it a male artist, isn’t it? Does he come from well-known country?… Most likely it is, and it does, right?… It’s ok, that’s why we’re here!
Hispanic Women Photographers is a Lausanne-based platform that promotes in Europe, the work and talent of Hispanic artists. The platform is artist-led and non-profit. We are born out of necessity for visibility of under-represented but very pertinent Hispanic female artists in the European art scene. We are passionate about bringing together art and talent in compelling photo shows around relevant global issues.
Our aim is to give female photographers the lead to be the storytellers. Benefit from their unique perspective while raising awareness and opening much needed conversations.
This platform was founded by me, Beatriz del Villar (Hello! : ) ) I was born in Madrid, Spain and have lived abroad for almost 10 years, the last 5 in Lausanne.
I have a Master in Fine Arts in Photography and exhibited work internationally while also having organized events worldwide. Nowadays, as a curator and incubator of this platform, I see the potential that this amazing city has to offer in regards to a more diversified art scene and a more inclusive cultural agenda where all locals can benefit from.
Cover photo credit to ©Nuria López Torres.

Our project is special because ...
…of the photographers themselves and their stories, for example:
Anna Surinyach and her story about a community of migrant women that bond and come together thanks to a very traditional sport from their home country in Barcelona. Or Maite Arbildua show the struggles of children facing determination and frustration for the very first time as a her daughter enters a gymnastics’ competition in Melbourne. Or Flor Mojica and the importance that a uniform provides, giving a sense of belonging to a team, a family and a religion in this case because of the Jewish Pan American Games. Do you want to meet more of these fascinating photographers and their stories? We’ve got 5 more talented artists that will showcase their compelling work in the photo exhibition!…of the selection of the photographers:
8 photographers have been chosen from a worldwide open call thanks to the selection of an all-female international jury, professionals of the arts’ sector.
…of the cultural context that «Lausanne; Capitale Olympique» provides:
We want to place these stories at the center of the conversation that is why we have worked very hard to gain access to the Maison du Sport International thanks to our host partners SportWorks, to exhibit the show within their premises.

This is what I need backing for.
All this work will see the light if we manage to get to the goal to pay for the costs of this striking photo exhibition.
We would love you to help us making it happen! Be part of this change in storytelling!
We hope to see it happening from November 17th 2020 (the vernissage!) to January 29th 2021.
It will be hosted in the amazing Maison du Sport International (ground floor) thanks to our host partners Sportworks.
We need to cover the costs of printing, installing, logistics and promotion to give as much visibility to photo show as possible.